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High-end Forum on International Engineering Technology

  • 2015.04.15
  • News
On April 11, 2015, Shenzhen held a high-end forum on international engineering technology development strategy. The event was sponsored by Chinese Academy of Engineering and hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) (“CUHKSZ”).

On April 11, 2015, Shenzhen held a high-end forum on international engineering technology development strategy. The event was sponsored by Chinese Academy of Engineering and hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) (“CUHKSZ”).

Attendees to the forum included Zuoning Chen, Vice President and Member of CAE, Yangshen Xu, Yunhe Pan, Dianyuan Fan as well as other members of CAE. Members of Chinese Academy of Science, National Academy of Engineering, Academy of Engineering of Japan, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, Royal Society of Canada and fellows of IEEE also participated in the event. Present at the forum were also officials of Shenzhen municipal government and Longgang District as well as more than 300 teaching staff and researchers from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, and Chongqing University.


Yangsheng Xu, Present of CUHKSZ, hosted the morning session of the forum, where four featured speeches were presented,Smart Headlight: A New active augmented reality that improves how the reality appears to a human,Big data supporting the scientific research,Vision: the key to intelligent robots,Strategic considerations in big data research, andComputer vision in daily life. Joe S. Qin, Vice President of CUHKSZ, hosted the afternoon session, where featured speeches includedNext Big Things in Robotics and Automation,Multimedia big data processing for intelligent cities,Optimization problems in big data analysis, andMulti-scale Robotics.


Academicians and guests engaged in deep discussions on commercialization of intelligent systems and interacted with the audience in the Q&A session. The meeting was instructive, thought provoking and quite successful.