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Activity Review | Shaw Conversations X—Lunch with Prof. Zhang Zhaoyu

  • 2019.2.23
  • News
The 10th Shaw Conversations was held on February 22. The honored guest was Professor Zhang Zhaoyu from SSE.

At noon on February 22, Prof. Zhang Zhaoyu and a number of Shaw College students were chatting about life over a delicious meal at the VIP room of Shaw canteen. They talked about a wide range of subjects: from laser technology, life philosophy, studying abroad, to society in the US. Prof. Janny Leung, Master of Shaw College, also joined the lunch. After giving a short speech, she sat and talked with the students.



After a brief self-introduction, Prof. Zhang applied his professional field knowledge to open up the discussion on semiconductor lasers, and used the face recognition function of the iPhone as an example. Prof. Zhang’s vivid explanation triggered a heated discussion on new energy science and technology among the students.



Having heard about the background of Prof. Zhang as a postdoc associate in UCB, some students who were interested in UCB asked for the professor’s view and experiences while he was there, hoping to get more insights on the university’s environment. Prof. Zhang shared thorough answers about the living condition in UCB including the surrounding public security and community environment to them. The talk expanded to other top universities such as Caltech and Cornell University as well. The advantages and disadvantages of these universities are mainly analysed from the geographical location, offering students more information of American universities. Prof. Zhang further extended the talk to economic development, cultural psychology and social problems in the USA. He talked about the attitude of the Americans towards the rapid development in China, and provided students with a new perspective on American society and culture while being proud of their Motherland too.



Student's Feedback:

This is my first time participating in Shaw Conversations. I feel so regretful that I have not participated in such activities before! It was the first time that I was so close to Prof. Leung. She treated us with the same friendliness as one would treat a family member. She was also very willing to talk with us. Love her.


Prof. Zhang and I are from the same religion. He is very kind and shared a lot of experience in studying abroad and attitude towards life. I have gained a lot from him and I am very grateful to him. Talking about Shaw Canteen, if we don't participate in this activity, we won't know that the chefs of Shaw Canteen can provide such high standard meals! I am so satisfied! Thanks to the best Shaw College for providing us with such a good opportunity. The biggest impression left from this lunch is that we must try many different activities to make life more colorful!


——18-year SME, Shaw College Wang Youli