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Muse College’s Visit to Hong Kong for Intercollege Communication and Badminton Friendly Match

  • Zhuowen Li
  • 2017.04.25
  • News
Separated by the Shenzhen River, students from Muse College and Wu Yee Sun College from The Chinese University of Hong Kong have longed for a get-together. In this rainy spring, students from Muse College headed for Shatin, Hong Kong, developing friendship with students from Wu Yee Sun College by initiating a long-anticipated badminton friendly match, which, as Professor Rance P.L. Lee, dean of Wu Yee Sun College, put it, was a historic moment for both two colleges.

Led by teachers, students from Muse College arrived at The Chinese University of Hong Kong around 10 o’ clock, a.m. Attracted by the similar design of the school gate as well as the same style of writing attached to it, students felt a sense of homecoming.



On the platform hovering in a green landscape, stretched out before the students was the scene where the sea melts into the sky on the horizon in distance. Like other constructions of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Wu Yee Sun College is built down the hillside in the midst of tranquil greenery.


Students, together with teachers from Wu Yee Sun College waited with enthusiasm at the gymnasium early before Muse’s arrival, leaving intense pressure of preparation for the final examination. Professor Rance P.L. Lee, Master of Wu Yee Sun College, greeted students from Muse College with a talk, in which he welcomed the arrival of the visitors from Muse College as well as expressed his wish to visit Muse College together with students, highlighting the upcoming badminton friendly match is a historic incident in the communication between the two.


Appreciated and inspired, Professor Simon Pun, Coordinator of Muse College, also delivered a talk, giving an invitation to teachers and students from Wu Yee Sun College to visit Muse College.


Professor Simon Pun exchanged the plaque marking the badminton friendly match with Professor Rance P.L. Lee, Master of Wu Yee Sun College, accompanied by Professor G.F. Choi, chairman of the P.E. Committee.


Players from Muse College and Wu Yee Sun College exchanged gifts.

(Players in green team uniforms are from Wu Yee Sun College and players in blue are from Muse College.)


Part 1: Badminton friendly game’s on!


The match was divided into three sections: mixed doubles, women’s doubles, and men’s doubles. While both colleges sending one member for each side respectively to form two new mixed rival teams, they all proved their talents through the way they behaved. Immersed in the splendid performances, some spectators even engaged in the game by playing with the players after the game. 


Players demonstrated his or her skill fully in the competition; all developed friendship out of the badminton court.


Students from Muse College and Wu Yee Sun College take a picture to mark the occasion.


Part 2: The Lunch Gathering

Teachers and students from both colleges headed for Wu Yee Sun College’s dining hall to enjoy the lunch after the badminton game. They sat together for better communication and interaction, creating a friendly atmosphere.


Professor Simon Pun, Coordinator of Muse College, was having a cordial talk with Professor Rance P.L. Lee, Master of Wu Yee Sun College during lunch.


Representatives from Muse College and Wu Yee Sun College exchanged souvenirs after lunch.


Part 3: Sight-seeing in Wu Yee Sun College

 Students from Muse College were able to have a glimpse of Wu Yee Sun College. They ascended the stairs from the garden, reaching well-equipped multi-function rooms with their windows facing the sea.


Part 4: Free Activity Time

In this part, students used extra times to visit the Lake Ad Excellentiam, the bookstore, the library, and the Pavilion of Harmony.

(Students from Muse College taking a photo in front of the Pavilion of Harmony)


 With time flying, the short visit was close to an end. Delighted and satisfied, students from Muse College talked about their experience all the way home, engraving in mind the deep bond with Wu Yee Sun Students.

(Students from Muse College taking a photo in front of the library)




We are looking forward to meeting our friends in Hong Kong again.


Muse, always with you.