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Activity Review: SME Students Get the Highest Score among Greater China Universities in HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition 2017

  • 2017.07.04
  • News
With the guidance of Prof. Bilian Lin from SME, our team confronted 23 competitive teams and won the first place in Greater China area. The performance of our students amazed the sponsors, judges and many other competitors, they were impressive that our university had cultivated such outstanding students.

During the period of college entrance examination, junior students, Fuqiu Shuhao, Ying Yue, Li Ziqi, Chen Mingjia, and student coach, Mao Yuqi from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) set off to Hong Kong for HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition 2017.  23 competitive teams from mainland China, Hong Kong, Canada, America, Japan, Singapore, India, Malaysia, and Thailand joined the competition.  

With the guidance of Prof. Bilian Lin from SME, our team confronted 23 competitive teams and won the first place in Greater China area. The performance of our students amazed the sponsors, judges and many other competitors, they were impressive that our university had cultivated such outstanding students.


In the second round, Fuqiu Shuhao (Economic Science), Ying Yue (Finance and Global Business Management), Li Ziqi (Global Business Management) and Chen Mingjia (Global Supply Chain and Logistic Management) met the last champion of this competition-National University of Singapore, the game was very intense, even though we didn’t get the chance to go further, but Dora, one of the judges, said our team was very competitive to win the champion and we should never stop working harder.

The 3 days’ HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition 2017 is one of the hardest and strictest business challenges around the world.  It is consist of 4 rounds of competitions. The first round is 24 into 16, 24 teams are divided into 8 groups of opponents, top two in each group attend the second round. The second round is 16 into 8, 16 teams are divided in to 8 groups of opponents, and winner of each team attends the third round.


This year’s final, our team was confronting 23 competitive teams from Hong Kong delegation (represented by University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University), Tsinghua University, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia , National University of Singapore, Macau Polytechnic Institution, National Chengchi University, Chulalongkorn University, University of Hawaii and many others.


Each team only has 2.5 hour to analyze the case, 20 minutes to report based on their hand drawing PPT and 15 minutes to answer questions from the judges, electronic devices and references are not allowed during the whole competition.

Before the competition, the sponsors held a welcome party for all participants. Our university representatives had wonderful conversations with other teams, and they also sang Hey Jude.


The final began on the next day of the welcome party. In the first round, we met Tsinghua University and University of Alberta. Although many unexpected circumstances occurred when preparing, such as the PPT player was smaller than expected and the lack of chairs and desks, but we manage to overcome these difficulties and won the first place with strong mind and fluent English.

In the second round, we met the champion of last year, National University of Singapore. Even facing such a strong team didn’t fear our team, our tactic teamwork, beautiful PPT and smart answers have made our opponents feel threatened.


Two teams were both so competitive that three judges had difficult decision. After serious consideration and discussion, they announced that National University of Singapore was the winner. Even though we did not get the chance to go further, Dora, one of the judges, commented: “Your performance is impressive and your team work is tactic, I can see this is the result of long time training. Your PPT surprises us and I think it is one of the best. Although you didn’t win this time, but you have every reason to be the champion, please never stop working harder.”

Prof. Bilian Lin, our team leader, has strong faith, when asked the performance of our students, she said: “International business competition is a way to prove SME students themselves. I believe this is only one of the many stops, as long as we keep improving, there will sure be more opportunities wait ahead.”



The general concept of HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition 2017


HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition 2017 aims to cultivate well-rounded business talents and provides an international platform with undergraduates from business colleges in Asia. It trains the ability of understanding of business, practicing and communication, which leads it to a greatly influential case study competition.  



Final List of HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition 2017


University of Alberta 

University of British Columbia 

University of Hawaii 

Universidad Panamericana 

The Chinese university of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 

Tsinghua University 

Macau Polytechnic Institution 

National Chengchi University 

National University of Singapore 

Jai Hind College 

USCI University 

The University of the Philippines 

Chulalongkom University 

RMIT University Vietnam  

Prasetiya Mulya University 

University of Dhaka 

Keio University 

America University of Central Asia 

America University of Beirut 

Middlessex University Mauritius 

University of Belgrade 

University of Colombo 

University of Auckland