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The 2017 Welcome Dinner of CUHK-Shenzhen

  • 2017.09.04 18:00:00
  • News
The 2017 Welcome Dinner went live on the internet and received over a million hits .

The Feast, the Nobel Laureat and the President—last week the 2017 Welcome Dinner went live on the internet and received over a million hits. The opening banquet of CUHK -Shenzhen comprises several events. At the Inauguration Ceremony earlier in the day, the new students were dressed in gowns, listening to the speeches delivered by key members of the CUHK-Shenzhen academic hierarchy. A dance party marked the end of the welcoming festivities.


The importance of a good opening


Why is a Hong Kong-style opening so grand and serious? Prof. Yangsheng Xu, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, unveiled the mystery. “Learning is a solemn experience, so we hold a solemn Inauguration Ceremony.” Compared to mainland universities, those in Hong Kong emphasize ceremony out of respect to the importance of “learning”.


At the Welcome Dinner, 3000 students, parents and staff enjoyed the celebration. The audience were entertained by a variety of student performances, including a piano-violin duet and Cheng solo, an integrated Kung fu and magic performance, and a dance performance which combined Chinese traditional dance with hip-hop. Each performance highlighted the foundation of CUHK-Shenzhen by fusing ancient and modern, east and west.


Advice from the President

“Have you enjoyed yourselves? Is the new campus beautiful?” President Xu’s bilingual speech received warm applause.


“Cultivating good habits is most important in your four years of university. For example, the habit to be punctual, the habit to be grateful, the habit to be should also learn to embrace life. It’s hard to avoid frustrations in life. Learn to stand up if you fall down. I hope you can take an active part in all kinds of activities and learn to love your own life with stationing artists, teaching faculties and your classmates!


Prof. Arieh Warshel, Nobel Laureate and his wife also attended the orientation dinner




Ancient-style Dancing


Senior Student Sharing College Life


Founded in 2014, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, succeeds the educational concept and academic system of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The international atmosphere, bilingual teaching environment, collegiate tradition, general education, new interdisciplinary settings have created an educational system focused on providing students with international communication vision.


"Professors of our university regard the colleges as mothers and schools as fathers," said Jiazhe Chen, a junior student from SME. In sharing her learning experiences at CUHK -Shenzhen with new students, she highlighted the unique college system. Shaw College, Diligentia College, and Muse College have numerous functions including providing student dormitories, canteens, music rooms and fitness rooms. “These facilities are all free and can be used at any time.”


In addition, colleges provide many extracurricular activities including seminars, weekly discussions, lectures and Master’s Tea. Many experts from home and abroad are invited to visit CUHK-Shenzhen to communicate with students, sharing their insights and distinctive experiences.


Overall, the colleges take charge of everything except major study. They offer a platform for in-depth communications between teachers and students whilst encouraging personal development and fostering friendships.



【Intern journalist】QI Ji

【Student Photographer】LIU, Chuqiao;HUANG, Jingwen;ZHANG, Ruoqing

【Video】QI, Ji;LI, Ding