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Review | Welcome to the mysterious yoga world

  • 2017.10.18
  • News
On October 13 Friday, Shaw College invited Yoga Instructor Mr. Wen Feitian to give a yoga experience lesson with both theoretical knowledge and practice experience.

On October 13 Friday, Shaw College invited Yoga Instructor Mr. Wen Feitian to give a yoga experience lesson with both theoretical knowledge and practice experience.

With nice smile and gentle voice, Mr. Wen introduced the students to the yoga world. To begin with, Mr. Wen talked about the origin, history and the development of yoga as well as his personal experience of years of yoga practice. Mr. Wen said ‘learning the basic knowledge and skills is important before any yoga practice’. Yoga practice can help us achieve mental and spiritual peace and talk with more energy. Yoga also helps slowing down the deterioration of physical function and serves as a good way to ensure a long healthy life.

After the thorough introduction of yoga knowledge and some demonstration of some very difficult yoga postures, Mr. Wen started to teach the students to do some basic postures. Time flies by and the one and half hour yoga lesson ended with students feeling both tired and excited. Mr. Wen said goodbye and left as he was expected in another lesson soon.