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CUHK-Shenzhen receives 100-million yuan fund

  • 2017.11.30
  • News
CUHK-Shenzhen received a sum of 100 million yuan from Shenzhen Haiya Holdingsto set up an educational fund for innovation research and development.

SOURCE: Shenzhen Daily   


The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen received a sum of 100 million yuan (US$15.16 million) from Shenzhen Haiya Holdings to set up an educational fund for innovation research and development.


A donation ceremony was held at the university’s campus in Longgang District at November 28 afternoon. Witnessed by Yin Xiaojing, deputy director of China’s SARs Liaison Office, Liu Jiachen, deputy secretary general of the Shenzhen Municipal Government and officials from governmental departments related to Hong Kong affairs, the university’s president, Xu Yangsheng, accepted a check worth 100 million yuan from Tu Huilong, the Haiya Holdings chairman of the board.


Xu said the fund will be named the Tu Huilong Innovation Technology Educational Fund after Tu. “The educational fund will be used for our university’s long-term work on innovation research and development as well as to support academic research projects,” said the president.


Part of the fund will be set up as the “Tu Huilong Scholarship” to provide outstanding students from needy families with better educational opportunities.


Additionally, the educational fund will help the university hire more globally renowned professors, as well as experts to give lectures as chair professors. Invited professors will also receive the title, “Tu Huilong Chair Professor.”


Xu Yangsheng (R), president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, accepts a check worth 100 million yuan (US$15.16 million) from Tu Huilong, the Haiya Holdings chairman of the board. Courtesy of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen