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2017 Muse College High Table Dinner

  • Zhuowen Li
  • 2017.11.30
  • News
'The all-embracing ocean is a blessing for saplings; Muse College shows inclusivity of all talented students.'

On 24 November 2017, the day after Thanksgiving, Muse College High Table Dinner was held in Liwen Building. The chilly overcast day was a contrast to students’ enthusiasm and high anticipation for the feast. They all dressed up, and draped bachelor’s gowns over their shoulders. At sunset, students took school shuttle buses from Muse College, Upper Campus to Liwen Building, Lower Campus. The banquet also invited patrons of Muse College, honorable guests and teachers. The dinner combined the western dining etiquette and eastern culture, creating a pleasant and urbane ambience.


Part A: Introduction by emcees to welcome the presence of guests


Three emcees introduced the guests, including Prof. XU Yangsheng, president of CUHK(SZ), Mr. LAI Haimin, chairman of Horoy Group, the chairman’s spouse, Mrs. CHEN Siting, other professors and lecturers of CUHK(SZ).


Guests and professors in attendance


Part B: Remarks of president and college master & Presenting bouquets


With slides on screen showing pictures of students’ participating activities, students recalled every bit of their wonderful lives since entering Muse College. This also helped them outline the grand vision for the college.

In the remark of President XU, he introduced and appreciated the patrons of Muse College: Mr. LAI Haimin and Mrs. CHEN Siting couple.


Mr. LAI Haimin and Mrs. CHEN Siting couple received bouquets from students.

In the remark of Prof. BAO Zhiming, Master of Muse College, he expressed his gratitude for the couple, and encouraged students to strive to steer a new direction of Muse College’s future development.


Part C: Speech of the special guest


The special guest Mr. LI Weiping, delivered a speech containing four facets: learning, reading, maturing, and exploring. He took the famous ancient poet Du Fu’s verses: “An de guangsha qianwanjian, da bi tianxia hanshi juhuanyan” (I wish to get thousands of vast shelters and asylums where people suffering from coldness will stay together merrily.) as the first line of the antithetical couplet, and composed the second line as followed: “Xing you siting baiyifang, pudu xi shang xuezi jie kaihuai” (Luckily we gather in Muse where students rejoice in their great college lives.) In this way, Mr. LI thanked Chairman LAI and wished Muse College a brighter future.



Part D: High table dinner


Students were enjoying the dinner.

President XU and other professors were communicating with students.


 While some students were enjoying culinary delights and exchanging thoughts with professors, other members put on impressive performances:


Instrumental performance: Love me like you do

Performers: WANG Fushan (a sophomore from SSE), Piano

CHENG Yuhao (a sophomore from SME), Violin


The dim stage lights cast on their hair ends, jaws, shoulders, and finger tips. The mild and soft melodies of the piano and the violin mingled, and resonated in the auditorium.

Musical: La La Land

Performers: WU Lan (a freshman from SSE), Piano

SUN Yuansen (a freshman from SSE) & YUAN Jieni (a freshman from SME), Choir 


The jumping musical notes flowed as the performer’s fingertips tapped the keyboard; the canary yellow dress swung as the dance steps changed constantly. Those elements hopefully would remind audience of the musical film La La Land

Solo: La Vie en Rose

Performer: ZUO Shuwen (a freshman from SME)


Accompanied by the dim light, the touching voice expressed a girl’s affection for her beloved one, making people expect their own love stories.

Solo: Angel

Performers: LIU Yitong (a freshman from SME), Piano

QIN Yuyang (a freshman from SME), Solo



Accompanied by the melodies tune, Muse High Table Dinner drew to an end.


Time went fast, but every musical notes, every eye contact between the performers and the audience, every talk, every beam of stage light that spiced the auditorium up—those moments would be engraved in students’ memories.

The honorable guests and students had a group photo taken to mark the occasion.




Muse High Table Dinner was a feast to all.

It offered students opportunities to express their gratitude to others.

This unforgettable experience would be engraved in their memories. 

Muse, always with you.