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University Concert 2015-----A Tribute to Partners and Supporters

  • 2015.12.08
  • News
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen held an annual concert in Shenzhen Poly Theatre on the evening of December 4.

      On the evening of December 4, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (“University”) held an annual concert in Shenzhen Poly Theatre. Shenzhen government officials, principals from top high schools, alumni, representative entrepreneurs, and parents were treated with an audio-visual feast.

Professor Yangsheng Xu, President of CUHK (SZ), expressed his gratitude in his address to all walks of people for their staunch support to the University over the years. Thanks to their generous donations and valuable assistance, about one quarter of the 1,000 undergraduate and post-graduate students have received scholarships or other forms of financial aids, and some from poor families in remote areas are able to realize their dreams.

                                                          President Xu Addressing Audience

       The concert started with the joint performance of Shenzhen Hongling Middle School Golden Voice Chorus, Student Chorus, Staff Chorus and Orchestral Music Group of the University. Following the chorus was the romantic brass quintet and piano solo from Shenzhen Arts School. Eric Fan, a well-known organist, brought us an amazing rendition ofFlight of the Bumblebeeon a pipe organ within one minute and thirty seconds, setting a new world record. The second half of the show began with a medley of several popular English songs by the six finalists of The Voice of the University, creating a lively and cozy atmosphere. After that, Hong Kong based Veloz Harmonica Quartet mesmerized the audience with their virtuoso performance of brilliant pieces.

                                                            Top Six Singers

       The grand finale came with the performance of Alan Tam, the “President”. Tam joked that despite the nickname, he is not actually related to education. Facing the ardent audience, however, he sees the significance of education. Aside from singing his classic tracks,Love in AutumnandFlowers in Water, Mr. Tam also led a chorus which involved all the performers and audience to sing another classicFriends, bringing the concert to a climax as everyone in the theatre was excitedly waving with the melody. At last, President Xu presented Mr. Tam a piece of calligraphy work to extol his achievements in pop music. When the two “Presidents” came on stage, the audience erupted into wild cheers.

                                                                                Alan Tam

                                                                           A Presidential Handshake

                                                                          Waving with Tam

      The University adopts the core educational philosophy and collegiate system of CUHK and is dedicated to evolving into a first-class world research university and grooming innovative, high-level talents who are international in outlook, learned in the traditional Chinese disciplines, and committed to serving the needs of society. It is working with experts to set up an international technological innovation platform for robotics andintelligent manufacturing, big data, new energy, finance and logistics in order to meet the needs of the development of strategic and emerging industries in the Pearl River Delta region and China as a whole. Over a year it has recruited more than a thousand outstanding graduates and undergraduates from all over the world.