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CUHK(SZ)-Tencent AI Lab Joint Laboratory of Machine Intelligence launched

  • 2018.06.21
  • News
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and internet giant Tencent’s AI Lab on Tuesday jointly launched a laboratory of Machine Intelligence.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and internet giant Tencent’s AI Lab on Tuesday jointly launched a laboratory of Machine Intelligence.

The lab started recruitment earlier this year; five applicants have been approved to pursue doctoral degrees of computer information engineering at the lab.

"The number of students we take in is unlimited and the university will issue their certificates upon graduation as regular doctoral students," said Luo Zhiquan, lab director and vice-president of CUHK, Shenzhen. Luo said Tencent will pay the costs of the lab and may also use its research. He said he believed this education format is the first of its kind. The aim of the lab is to jointly cultivate talents, conduct research and establish an ecosystem between the university and the company.