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Laboratory Director



Director: Prof. Shuguang Cui

Professor Shuguang Cui received his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, California, USA, in 2005. Afterwards, he has been working as assistant, associate, full, Chair Professors in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Univ. of Arizona, Texas A&M University, and UC Davis, respectively. He is currently the Vice Director of Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data via a Chair Professor appointment at CUHKSZ. His current research interests focus on data driven large-scale system control and resource management, large data set analysis, IoT system design, energy harvesting based communication system design, and cognitive network optimization.

Professor Cui was selected as the Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher and listed in the Worlds' Most Influential Scientific Minds by ScienceWatch in 2014. He was the recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2012 Best Paper Award. He has served as the general co-chair and TPC co-chairs for many IEEE conferences. He has also been serving as the area editor for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, and associate editors for IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE JSAC Series on Green Communications and Networking, and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He has been the elected member for IEEE Signal Processing Society SPCOM Technical Committee (2009~2014) and the elected Chair for IEEE ComSoc Wireless Technical Committee (2017~2018). He is a member of the Steering Committee for both IEEE Transactions on Big Data and IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. He is also a member of the IEEE ComSoc Emerging Technology Committee. He was elected as an IEEE Fellow in 2013 and an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer in 2014.


Co-Director: Dr. Xiaodong He

Dr. Xiaodong He is the Deputy Managing Director of JD AI Research and Head of the Deep learning, NLP and Speech Lab, and a Technical Vice President of He is also an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington (Seattle), serves in doctoral supervisory committees. Before joining, he was with Microsoft for about 15 years, served as Principal Researcher and Research Manager of the DLTC at Microsoft Research, Redmond.

His research interests are mainly in artificial intelligence areas including deep learning, natural language, computer vision, speech, information retrieval, and knowledge representation. He has published more than 100 papers in ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, CVPR, SIGIR, WWW, CIKM, NIPS, ICLR, ICASSP, Proc. IEEE, IEEE TASLP, IEEE SPM, and other venues. He received several awards including the Outstanding Paper Award at ACL 2015. He is a co-inventor of the DSSM, which is broadly applied to language, vision, IR and knowledge representation tasks. He also led the development of the CaptionBot, the world-first image captioning cloud service deployed in 2016. He and colleagues has won major AI challenges including 2008 NIST MT Eval, IWSLT 2011, COCO Captioning Challenge 2015, and VQA 2017. His work was widely integrated into influential software and services including Microsoft Image Caption Services, Bing & Ads, Seeing AI, and Word and PowerPoint. He has held editorial positions on several IEEE Journals, served as an area chair for NAACL-HLT 2015, and served in the organizing committee/program committee of major speech and language processing conferences. He is an elected member of the IEEE SLTC for the term of 2015-2017. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACL. He was elected as the Chair of the IEEE Seattle Section in 2016. He received a bachelor degree from Tsinghua University (Beijing) in 1996, MS degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing) in 1999, and the Ph.D degree from the University of Missouri – Columbia in 2003.