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University of Westminster and CUHK visited CUHK-Shenzhen

  • 2018.11.21
  • News
Prof. Stephen Brookhouse, Interim Dean of Architecture and Built Environment Department, University of Westminster, UK, visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen on Wednesday, 21st of November, accompanied by Prof. Nelson Chen, Director of School of Architecture, CUHK and his colleagues.

Prof. Stephen Brookhouse, Interim Dean of Architecture and Built Environment Department, University of Westminster, UK, visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen on Wednesday, 21st of November, accompanied by Prof. Nelson Chen, Director of School of Architecture, CUHK and his colleagues.



A meeting was held between University of Westminster, CUHK, CUHK Shenzhen’s School of Humanities and Social Science (HSS), and OAL. During the meeting, Prof. Brookhouse, Prof. Chen and the other guests met with Prof. Xitao Fan, Dean of HSS, Prof. Lidi Wang, Associate Dean of HSS, and other representatives of OAL. The discussion revolved around establishing collaborations among the three universities.


After the meeting, the guests toured around the campus and admired the campus architectural works.


The University of Westminster is a public university located in London, UK. Founded in 1838, it was the first polytechnic institution in the UK. Westminster’s academic activities are organized into seven faculties and schools, within which there are around 45 departments.