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活动回顾 | 全球研究项目《可持续发展基础》课程走进深圳城中村及华侨城社区

  • 2019.11.12
  • 新闻













      在出发之前其实没想过field trip会那么有意思,甚至觉得长途跋涉到市区非常麻烦,回来还要写报告。




The trip we had yesterday was really interesting and helped us learn a lot about urban villages in Shenzhen. There is a funny name ‘handshake house’ for those houses in the urban villages. It means that people in the neighbor houses could shake their hands in the area between two houses. And it also conducted the biggest problem in the urban villages is the fire control problem because of the limited distance between two neighbors which became the barrier to the fire fighting truck. Even though nowadays the government has built up some fire fighting apparatus it still was the most concerned problem in the urban villages.

There are more than 1000 this kind of urban villages in Shenzhen. When we started to worry about how we should deal with this kind of issue we met the ‘Lemon talent apartment’. ‘Lemon talent apartment was from those urban villages which were rented and rebuilt by the government own companies to provide higher quality and security apartment to the young people who just graduated from college come to Shenzhen looking for a good job. Professor Chan told us that this might be one kind of the solution for the arrangement of the urban villages nowadays instead of the old way which we just destroy the old buildings and rebuild some news.


Nice day with SD group!

      这次field trip真的超级开心!党老师专门邀请了深圳大学的陈义勇教授带领我们切实感受了一下深圳的城中村,通过陈教授耐心细致的讲解,我们了解到了很多以前不曾关注过的问题,陈教授还带我们参观了改造之后的城中村——柠盟人才公寓,大家都非常向往毕业之后可以申请到这样的政府补贴的人才住房。然后陈教授带我们去了华侨城生态广场,那里真的太宜居了!是住宅、就业、娱乐、生态建设等等都应有尽有的一片区域,陈教授还给我们科普了一下这片区域的总设计师的设计故事,让我们在享受风景的同时又学习到了很多知识,晚上吃饭的时候,党老师让我们一一聊一聊关于reflective essay的想法,我提出了一个关于如何让柠檬人才公寓那样的人才住房普及的问题,因为我觉得这样的政策应该惠及每一个跟我情况差不多的年轻人,老师们针对我的问题提出了一个新的问题,你为什么想要这样的住房可以普及?因为事实是社会发展到现在形成了现在这样的局面,如果你觉得大城市的房价难以承担,可以选择离开。如果你希望每个人都住上政府补贴的房子,跟几十年前的中国一样,那么可能又要以贫困为代价。所以在中国普及政府补贴的人才住房是不现实的……我觉得老师的观点给了我很多启发和思考,我只是站在了自己的角度特别理想主义地提出应该普及这样的政策,而没有考虑现实可行性,这样的交谈也让我明白了自己思考问题时的片面性,受益匪浅!

Anyway,it's a really nice trip and I am looking forward to the next time!


I really enjoyed seeing a new side of the city where life is more ordinary and common in Shenzhen, compared to the big modern shopping malls in the city center. The opportunity to get a tour through the urban villages and see from the inside with an Prof at hand to explain how those areas developed was very insightful. The trip made me realize how many problems arise with a city developing that fast and how difficult it is to try to keep up with this fast development. Especially from the view point of a local or central government.

Also very interesting was the effort from the city to attract young people to live in Shenzhen through the "Young Talent Housing Apartments" as an incentive to move to Shenzhen and work here. I did not think this would be necessary since the city is known for its good job opportunities, but apparently there is a short-come of affordable housing.

I am really glad that this field trip was organized, so that we could experience some new parts outside Longgang and get some first-hand information at the places we visited from local experts.


      城中村里抬头仰望“咫尺见千里”的一方天地,CBD中尚存一息“清泉石上流”的静谧美好。在闹市中感受自然,在求知中规划未来,我想是这次field trip带给我最大的触动和意义,感谢此行!不虚此行!


I think it is great that we had the field trip to the urban village as an addition to the conventional lectures. It was a very valuable experience to get out of the campus and look at sustainability issues from a real-world perspective. Especially as a student from abroad it was interesting to see the urban development of Shenzhen and modern China and learn first-hand about the challenges that come with it.






