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Review | LHS Activities on Campus Open Day

  • 2019.04.29
  • News
April 27th is the 2019 CUHK-Shenzhen Campus Open Day. LHS organized two presentation sessions for visitors with topics on School Overview, Major Set-up, Joint Degree Program with University of Michigan as well as the three Nobel Institutes. There are also Q&A sessions open to all.

The venue of LHS activities on Campus Open Day 

First half of the LHS Presentations

Introduction on School and Faculty Members

by Prof. Richard YE (Dean, Presidential Chair Professor)

Introduction on Bioinformatics major and "3.5+1.5" Joint Degree Program on Bioinformatics with University of Michigan

by Prof. Lizhe ZHU (Assistant Professor)

Introduction on Pharmaceutical Sciences major 

by Prof. Yan XU (Research Assistant Professor)

Introduction on Biomedical Sciences major

by Prof. Ruobing REN (Assistant Professor)

Prof. Richard YE was also interviewed by a local news column and the Campus Open Day broadcast.

Second half of the LHS Presentations

Introduction on School and Faculty Members

by Prof. Richard YE (Dean, Presidential Chair Professor)

Introduction on Arieh Warshel Institute of Computational Biology

by Prof. Tzong-Yi LEE (Associate Professor)

Introduction on The Ciechanover Institute of Precision and Regenerative Medicine

by Prof. Yan XU (Research Assistant Professor)

Introduction on Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery

by Prof. Yang DU (Assistant Professor)

Introduction on the roles the three Nobel Institutes play in students' education

by Prof. Ruobing REN (Assistant Professor)


Consultation on major and curriculum for current students

Given that our first-year students are about to declare major, we organized a consultation session for students to sit and talk to the professors from LHS and seek their wisdom on choosing major, courses and future career path.


We hope in the near future, you will join LHS and have the opportunities to communicate more often with the amazing and kind professors. May your wishes come true in your study and research!

(Group Photo of the participating LHS staff and student volunteers on Campus Open Day)