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Activity Review丨Restore the Authentic Adventures For You.

  • 2019.1.20
  • News
On January 17th, Mr. Zhu Qiduan, who comes from Hong Kong, brought all staff and students in CUHKSZ an interesting story-sharing lecture at the Board Room in Daoyuan Building, in which he restored some actual adventures for us.

In this story-sharing lecture, we followed Mr. Zhu’s steps to learn about his dreamy and thrilling adventure stories.



At first, Mr. Zhu shared with us his sailing trip through the northwest channel of the Arctic Circle. In 2016, Mr. Zhu and his friends departed from Hong Kong, passing through Hokkaido, Alaska, along with many countries and regions. In addition, he also crossed the Northwest Passage of the Arctic Circle, which is known as ‘New Sea Mount Everest’, and finally arrived at Ireland. Due to the bad sea conditions at Ireland, Mr. Zhu decided to set off again from Ireland in 2017 and returned to Hong Kong to complete his thrilling global voyage.



Apart from the interesting experiences, there were also numerous unexpected perils during the journey. When his ship docked at Egypt, Mr. Zhu accidentally tumbled, hit his head, and then fell into the sea, losing consciousness. When speaking of this experience, Mr. Zhu joked that “When my fellow saw me falling into the sea, he immediately shouted at me that my passport was on the left and the wallet was on the right”. Attendees laughed. It was this kind of optimism that enabled Mr. Zhu to successfully pass through all the difficulties encountered in the journey.

In 2011, Mr. Zhu successfully reached the peak of Mount Everest. How does one feel about reaching the peak of Mount Everest?

In order to reach the peak, Mr. Zhu did large amounts of targeted exercises at the earlier stage. For instance, he did weight-bearing exercises two times a week and hiking practice 3-6 hours a week. Marathon was also one of the training programs. Mr. Zhu believed that marathon was beneficial to one’s health, and was conducive to shaping one’s body as well as cultivating one’s perseverance and self-confidence.

Besides, Mr. Zhu mentioned that during the process of climbing and exploring, some unexpected situations and dangers always occurred, and thus the plan would never catch up with changes. Hence, in order to calmly deal with emergencies one day, we are supposed to make adequate preparations.

In addition to the experience of sailing and climbing, Mr. Zhu also shared his viewpoints on overcoming difficulties and achieving success. Mr. Zhu said that when we do something, we should always be prepared for failure. Learning a lesson from failure is also a success. Meanwhile, since we are still young, we should enrich ourselves, accumulate experience, and continue to learn. When it comes to setting goals, Mr. Zhu said that one’s goal should be difficult yet attractive. In the process of achieving the goal, we’d better divide it into several objectives, so that it would be easier to achieve it.




At the end of the lecture, Prof. Janny Leung, Master of Shaw College, presented a souvenir to Mr. Zhu to expressed gratitude.