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Shaw News | Presentation Ceremony of 2018 Shaw College Master’s List

  • 2018.11.10
  • News
: On November 9th, 2018, the Presentation Ceremony of 2018 Shaw College Master’s List was held at Room C201 of Shaw College. This time, 97 students made the list.

In November 2018, the annual evaluation work of Master’s List was carried out as scheduled. After careful discussion and strict review by the Scholarship Committee of Shaw College, the final list of Shaw College Master’s list in 2018-19 was confirmed. Ninety-seven students whose GPA ranked top 10% among all Shaw students were given such honor.



The presentation ceremony of 2018 Shaw College Master’s List was held at 11:00 a.m. on November 9th at C201. We were honored to invite some fellows of the Scholarship Committee of Shaw College and teaching members of Shaw College to participate in this ceremony. These honorable guests encompassed Prof. Kevin Leung from SSE, Prof. Hugh Thomas from SME, Prof. Sin-Wai Chan from HSS, Prof. Clara Chan from HSS, Prof. Wenye Li from SSE, and Mr. Terence Fong. The award-winning students dressed in formal attire and gown to attend the ceremony.






Shaw College Teachers and All Award Winners


Shaw College Teachers and SSE Student Representatives


Shaw College Teachers and SME Student Representatives


Shaw College Teachers and HSS Student Representatives


At the end of the ceremony, the College also prepared a small surprise for all attendees—a dainty lunch to reward everyone’s academic achievements. Students from different schools, majors and grades gathered around, enjoying their lunch, chatting, and sharing learning experience with each other.



The Master’s List is a sort of affirmation and recognition of students’ hard work in the academic field. We hope that all of the award-winning students will not forget their original intentions, and continue to work hard in their future study. For the students who have not won this award, do not feel frustrated. Just keep working hard and we look forward to seeing you at the award ceremony next year!