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LHS welcomed the first batch of postgraduates

  • 2019.08.19
  • News
The first batch of postgraduates of LHS finished their enrolment on August 15, 2019. The School Office prepared gifts for the new students, and also welcomed them with an Programme Orientation on August 17.

The first batch of postgraduates of LHS finished their enrolment on August 15, 2019. The School Office prepared gifts for the new students.

The Programme Orientation was held on August 17.

Opening Session

First, Ms. May LI, School Manager of LHS, introduced the faculties and guests.

Dean of LHS, Prof. Richard YE gave a welcome speech and expressed his expection of the new students.

Students introduced themselves.

Programme Introduction Session

Prof. Goran Stjepanovic, who is in charge of the MPhil-PhD programme, introduced the programme requirements and study scheme.

Ms. Meng YIN from the University Library introduced some knowledge and techniques for using library facilities and services.

Nobel Laureate Research Institute Introduction Session

The main focus of LHS's MPhil-PhD programme is research. How to make full use of the resources of the three Nobel Laureate Research Institute is a key question for the new students. Three professors from introduced the three Institutes respectively.  

Prof. Yang DU introduced Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery.

Prof. Lizhe ZHU introduced Warshel Institute for Computational Biology.

Prof. Yan XU introduced Ciechanover Institute of Precision and Regenerative Medicine.

Group Photo for the Programme Orientation