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Industry Highlight - Financial Industry and CFA Program

  • 2016.09.21
  • News
“CFA is a globally accepted qualification, which covers different areas in the financial industry. It includes plenty of basic knowledge that should be known by financiers more than just academic items and is a broad base that sets us up for our future careers.”  Mr. Neil Govier said.

“CFA is a globally accepted qualification, which covers different areas in the financial industry. It includes plenty of basic knowledge that should be known by financiers more than just academic items and is a broad base that sets us up for our future careers.”  Mr. Neil Govier said.

The SME Career Centre held a lecture about financial industries and the CFA Program on Sep. 20th, 2016. We invited three guests, who are experienced in this industry, to share their views and experiences in the financial industry and on the CFA Program.

First of all, Mr. Govier elaborated reasons to be a CFA charter holder from a professional perspective. Then, he introduced a lot of details such as the content, schedule and equation of the examination. He shared some interesting tips for the CFA test, which created a euphoric atmosphere.

Next, Mr. Zeng stated his process of applying the CFA qualification. In his opinion, CFA is an overview of the whole financial industry, which provides a set of financial instruments. He indicated that he would make internships at PwC available for our students.

After that, Mr. Li shared the experience of working in the financing industry like being a consultant for the 2nd & 3rd levels of the CFA test.

In the end, all of them answered students’ questions with patience and interacted enthusiastically with students. Rather than a lecture, tonight’s talk is more like a forum, during which our students grasped not only information about the CFA Program, but also about the background of financial industries!