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Night Talks | Fleet of Time

  • 2016.11.15
  • News
On Oct 27th, Diligentia College held the 2nd Night Talk “Fleet of time” in Rm315, Zhiren Building. With this subject, College office invited senior students, who are active in student clubs and activities, together with wardens, tutors and freshmen to talk about the things you might encounter as a green hand in university.

Maybe you are struggling adapting to the new environment at the beginning of university life; maybe you are a faster learner while unprepared for the dazzling intern opportunities; maybe you already have a plan for future while of two minds on the road. or maybe you had a crush on someone while hesitate to be in a relationship. Let’s go through these topics on this lovely night.


The Night Talk began with seniors come from different schools telling their stories, which infected reserved and shy freshmen with humor. Talks unfolded in a relaxed atmosphere even though in the hustle mid-term examination period.

A senior from SSE shared his hobbit that is also a good way to release -- practice Wing Chun. He encourages the audience to have a try.

The senior is teaching Wing Chun basic skills step by step.

After personal experiences sharing, students from different grades and majors were divided into groups to discuss freely. Fresh meats shared the changes and puzzles they encountered recently with seniors.

In the end, students wrote down three achievable targets that they would like to fight for in the following year, which then collected and keep in college office.


1. Xingfei Xu, freshman from SSE
I had missed the first Night Talk, and I would not miss it twice. It is a wonderful night! Sometimes you might felt confused, actually you are not alone (thanks to the seniors shared their experiences). This talk is not a gathering for complaining about our university, but a chat between hearts, which gave us suggestions to study, time management and plan for future. From my point of view, experiences are more valuable and have a deeper impact on us than axioms learned in class. Maybe we could skip these twists in the life road with the help of others’ experiences. The Night Talk gave me a feeling of belongingness, that College is a family.  


2. Kexin Xu, freshman from SME
I met some interesting seniors tonight, and in communication with these “elves”, I found a better way to adapt to university life. There are so many differences between high school and university: here I could make an appointment with professors for consultation through E-mail, and discuss plans with an academic adviser. It is a lovely leisure time in the tense midterm to be with heartwarming College family and funny members. Thanks to the Night Talk and enthusiastic seniors hope we could talk with the elegant Dean Yang Gu next time. 


 3. Xinhai Hou, freshman from SSE
“Nobody is willing to walk on without lingering, we should owe each other only to miss each other.” We once lost in books and study, just found out the direction tonight. I am impressed by talented seniors, inspired by considerate tutors and wardens, shared the same feelings with classmates. For the first time, I felt like at home, not the one with parents, but the one of myself. Night Talk is neither an academic discussion nor a serious department convention, just like a chat in meals, slowing down your steps and relax. Hope more students would join these wonderful nights.


4. Zhixuan Li, senior from SME
I learned in high school’s history class that during the financial crisis, there was a radio program called Fireside Chats given by FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt) at night, to encourage and lead the people forward in the tough time. I am delighted to find there are similar talks in our university. Here as we adapted to a new environment, sometimes I felt flurried. While talking, joking, practicing Wing Chun together tonight is a good way to get rid of uncertainties in future and just have some fresh minds. Thanks to all the considerate preparation.


5. Tian Xia, freshman from SSE
In this “Fleet to Time” Night Talk, I had a glimpse of different lives and choices on road. I am familiar with the study and lifestyle in LGU (Longgang University, a nickname of CUHK (SZ), because I enjoyed a free atmosphere in high school, where we could arrange the academic schedule by ourselves. While there is still a blank space in my heart: without the College Entrance Examination, it seems like I lost the direction. Luckily, Night Talk helped me fill the gap with these stories -- just learn from others.


6. Anqi Yu, tutor from Diligentia College 
The College kindly invited some outstanding seniors to this talk, in which I was moved by their attitude to life and colorful experiences. By the way, I met a student who graduated from the same high school with me, what a coincidence! 


7. Annan Chen, sophomore from SSE
Although as a fresh meat in the eyes of seniors and an old hand for the freshman, this is the first time I participated in the activities held by Diligentia College – full of humanistic care. Sometimes we do not need a mechanical procedure like find out the problem then solve it, but a chatting about bothers in tea break -- this is what College prepared for us. Listening or talking would take the shadows to your heart away. It is better to set a goal and take actions than worry about future – How about GPA 3.96? As 4.0 might be out of reach.
8. Notes from College Office
Gardenia in blossom, so beautiful so white. You should treasure every minute in university, making the most of it. We would like to provide the fertile soil for your growth with the guidance of teachers and seniors. Wish you will grow up to an independent person, live a healthy and happy life. Wish you will find the right direction where your passion lies, to expand the width of your life.  


I do not regret having such a wonderful dream
Only wish it would last longer
See you next Night Talk