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Students from Muse College Participate in Phoenix Satellite Television's Programme ‘Positive Energy’ Recording

  • Zhuowen Li
  • 2017.07.04
  • News
Released by Phoenix Satellite Television in 2013, Positive Energy is a brand new social observation TV programme, constructing public discourse space by initiating discussions about people's livelihood and other social issues. It aims to set up an public discussion sphere and practice in contemporary context under the framework of debating in a benign environment and respecting diverse viewpoints by making more people speak out as well as listening attentively to the opinions of the masses.

On 21 June 2017, Students from Muse College got the chance to join the programme to discuss the following question. In contemporary Chinese movies and TV series market ranging from costume drama series to modern TV series, "fresh meats", namely young and handsome actors, keep gaining advantages in audience ratings with appearance fees ascending rapidly. While troupers with brilliant and masterful acting skills are inferior to "fresh meats" when it comes to appearance rates and fees apart from a fraction of big-budget productions. Why appearance outweighs professional acting skills and artistic accomplishments? Is it caused by the current entertainment industry environment where people tend to seek quick success and instant benefits? Or is it the consequence of audience's falling aesthetic standards and waning artistic-appreciation abilities? How to inherit troupers' skills and their artisans’ spirits? Students engaged in the discussion with guests and audience of all ages.





Photos of students from CUHK(SZ) expressing their thoughts in the programme.


Guests and spectators expressed their ideas actively, including students from CUHK(SZ), who voiced their opinions out, too.


*Some argued the notion of "fresh meat" might relate to "patriarchy".

*Some were convinced it was an inevitable phenomenon in the context of market economy.

*While some thought people should not completely counter "fresh meats" both due to their endeavor and public aesthetic needs.

*Some experts pointed out some TV series were absurd and illogical, like the plot where ordinary Chinese people "torn a Japanese solider apart using bare hands", the hero and heroine were dating publicly on the street regardless of their identities as spies in a spy drama, to name a few.

*Some people leading directing careers added unlike old generations, young performers were lacking in professional attainments.


Students took a photo with the emcee to mark the occasion after the programme.




The programme drew to an end, while the feeling of engaging in the debate lingered.

Muse, always with you.