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City Tour Delights International Exchange Students

  • 2017.09.10
  • News
The city tour is the first bite of “Experience China”, a series of activities organized by the Office of Academic Links (OAL). The purpose of the tour is to help exchange students learn about the city where they will stay for one semester or one academic year.

For Subin Park, a South Korean exchange student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, the one-day tour of Shenzhen on September 9 is an opportunity to learn more about the economy, history and culture of Shenzhen. The city tour is the first bite of “Experience China”, a series of activities organized by the Office of Academic Links (OAL). The purpose of the tour is to help exchange students learn about the city where they will stay for one semester or one academic year. In September of 2017, 22 exchange students from 8 countries arrived at the CUHK(SZ), namely Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, South Korea and Germany.

The one-day city tour covered Crane Lake Hakka Village (the largest Hakka cultural museum in China), Shenzhen Museum and OCT-LOFT Creative Culture Park, going through Longgang District, Futian District and Nanshan District. Exchange students experienced various aspects of the city, and learnt about Shenzhen’s history of reform and opening-up as well as folk culture. A postgraduate student Matthieu Nicolas Rüttimann from Switzerland said that visiting Crane Lake Hakka Village was a nice idea to show him the traditional and historical aspect of Shenzhen.

Shenzhen city tour as the first one of “Experience China Series” helps exchange students better adapt to the life here. In the future, OAL will continue the series in various forms to increase students’ understanding of China and give them a wonderful memory of exchange study life.