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CUHK-Shenzhen Holds 2017 Annual Awards Presentation Ceremony

  • 2018.01.27
  • News
On January 25, CUHK-Shenzhen held the 2017 Annual Award Presentation Ceremony to honor outstanding teachers and students who excel in academic, leadership and campus culture construction.

On January 25, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shenzhen held the 2017 Annual Award Presentation Ceremony. Presented at the ceremony are Prof. Yangsheng Xu, President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Prof. Tom Luo, Vice President (Academic), Prof. Shiping Zhu, Vice President (External and Student Affairs), Prof. K.C. YUEN, Vice President (Administration), Prof. Li Xia, Associate Vice President cum Director of Student Affairs, Prof. Tony LI, Associate Vice President cum Director of Research Administration, Prof. Xiaoqiang Cai, Associate Vice President(Education and University Affairs), Prof. Jesús SEADE, Associate Vice President (Global Affairs), Prof. David Tong, Dean of the Graduate School, and other heads of colleges, schools, and administrative departments. The Ceremony honored excellent student representatives who excelled in academic, leadership and campus culture construction and set up "Presidential Exemplary Teaching Award" for the first time in recognition of outstanding teachers.


The event was first addressed by Professor Xiaoqiang Cai , Associate Vice President. He introduced the newly established "Presidential Exemplary Teaching Award", pointing out that the establishment of this award not only affirmed the outstanding teaching performance and ethics of the awardees, but also reflected the University’s commitment to provide quality education to students. He subsequently announced the winners of this award, with Professor Xu, the president, awarding the teachers one by one. Four outstanding teachers received the Presidential Exemplary Teaching Award, namely, Dr. Lauren Clark, Dr. Ding Yi, Dr. Yeh Shupai and Dr. Zhou Yan. These awardees show great enthusiasm for teaching with hard work, professional knowledge and innovation and they are attentive to the growth of students. Thus, they have won the unanimous respect and love of students.


Prof. Ding Yi from School of Management and Economics (SME) said: "I enjoy teaching and enjoy every lesson. You are the best students I have ever had. It is because of you that every semester is a wonderful journey for me."


Prof. Lauren Clark, from School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) said: "A good teacher is also a good student. Every day I can learn something new. I really like teaching and teaching students something totally new is very satisfying. Especially in CUHK-Shenzhen, I am very happy to see the excellent students making progress very fast. "


Prof. Zhou Yan from School of Science and Engineering(SSE) said: "I have greatly benefited from the high level teaching and research environment at CUHK-Shenzhen. I am also very honored to be a part of the University and have great takeaways from students. "


Dr. Yeh Shupai from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)  said: "I would like to thank Professor Xu, Professor Gu Yang and Professor Wang Lidi, especially my students. Without their support and efforts, I was just an ordinary teacher. It is because of them that I can stand here today. "


Student Awards

Prof. Li Xia, Associate Vice President cum Director of Student Affairs introduced the students awards. The awards include government scholarship awards and university’s awards. Among them, the government scholarships include National Academic Scholarship, National Endeavor Scholarship and Shenzhen Universiade scholarship. The ratio of the National Academic Scholarship is just 0.59%, and the awardees' GPA rankings must be in the top 10%. Besides, the awardees are excellent in the areas of moral integrity, academic research, academic competitions, innovative inventions, social practices, social work, sports competitions or literary competitions and they have contributed to the University’s image building. The ratio of winning National Endeavor Scholarship is just 2.64%, designed to help excellent full-time undergraduate students to reduce the financial burden on the family while the Shenzhen Universiade scholarship is mainly to reward friendly foreign students with excellent academic results and integrity. In addition, the University has set up Students’ Outstanding Performance and Leadership Award, Excellent Service Award, University Ambassador Award, Campus Development Award, and Excellent Student Award in recognition of their performance in student activities, campus culture building, innovation and entrepreneurship, etc. The award-winning students are required to be excellent in one of the above fields, or are committed to the publicity, development and construction of the University. These awards are designed to motivate students to have a personalized and diversified development.


Jiang Shunan, Winner of National Academic Scholarship with VP Professor Shiping Zhu


Jiang Shunan, the national scholarship winner, is now a junior from SSE. She said: "In June 2015, I met the head of the Jiangxi Enrollment Team, Professor Luo Zhiquan, Vice President of CUHK-Shenzhen. I would like to thank him who later became my mentor for taking me to CUHK-Shenzhen and encouraging me tremendously. I am honored to be the second cohort of students here. Here I met many professors who are enthusiastic about teaching. Being wise and diligent, they have set examples for me, reminding me to make unremitting efforts. "


Cai Wenjing, Zhou Yucheng, Zhou Hailin, Guo Yanyan, He Yuyang and Peng Yuchen, the winners of "National Endeavor Scholarship", with VP Prof. Luo and VP Mr. Yuen


Universiade Scholarship winners,Sakeena Saifi, Limanauw Ivan Prawira, Ann-Sophie Choi, Twinkle Sujanani, Niu Guan Chong, with Prof. Jesús SEADE, Associate Vice President


Sakeena Saifi, student representative of Universiade Scholarship


Sakeena Saifi, a sophomore student from SSE, explained why she came to CUHK-Shenzhen: "Chinese culture, which has a long tradition of thousands of years, has always attracted me. This award encourages me to further explore the Chinese culture. In the long run, the Universiade Award will become the link to achieve cultural communication. "


Winners of Students’ Outstanding Performance and Leadership Award with Prof. Xia LI, Associate Vice President cum Director of Student Affairs and Prof. Liang Meier, Dean of Shaw College


Winners of 2017 CUHK-Shenzhen Excellent Service Award, University Ambassador Award, and Campus Development Award with Prof. Tony Li, Associate Vice President, and Prof. David Tong, Dean of the Graduate School


Winners of Excellent Student Award with Prof. Chen Changwen, Dean of SSE and Prof. Fan Xitao, Dean of HSS


2017 Awards:

Presidential Exemplary Teaching Award: 4 teacher

National Scholarship: 1 student

National Endeavor Scholarship: 45 students

Shenzhen Universiade Overseas Students Foundation Scholarship: 7 students
Students’ Outstanding Performance and Leadership Award: 21 students

Excellent Service Award: 4 students

Campus Development Award: 4 students

University Ambassador Award: 3 students

Excellent Student: 21 students



Profile of Winners of Presidential Exemplary Teaching Award

Dr. Lauren Rebecca CLARK

Dr. Lauren Clark, M.A: English Literature/French Language and Literature (University of Glasgow, UK);PhD: English Literature (Univ of Sunderland, UK)

Dr. Lauren Clark joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in September 2016 and is currently an English lecturer at SHSS.
As a member of the English Language Teaching Team, Dr. Lauren Clark is responsible for the freshman's core university course - English. She is kind and friendly, willing to work hard in teamwork with a great passion for teaching. Her classes were highly praised and welcomed by students. Besides dutifully devoting herself to teaching, she was also obligated to design electives course for students, give lectures and help organize various school activities to promote and enhance the use of English at the campus.


Prof. DING Yi

Prof. DING Yi, Ph.D. (Queen’s University), M.Fin (Saint Mary’s University), B.Eng. (Tsinghua University)

 Dr. Ding joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in June 2015 and is currently an assistant professor of Finance at SME.

The main course for which Dr. Ding is responsible is Introduction to Econometrics, which is open for undergraduates. From the autumn semester of 2015 to the spring semester of 2017, nearly 500 SME undergraduate students have attended this course. With clear and concise teaching materials, a combination of theory and practice, as well as humorous teaching style, Dr. Ding is widely welcomed and praised by students.


Prof. YEH Shu Pai

Prof. YEH Shu Pai, Ph.D (Taiwan Normal University), M.A. (Fu Jen University, Taiwan)

Prof. YEH Shu Pai joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in August 2016 and is currently an Associate Professor of SHSS.

As a member of the SHSS translation team, he is responsible for the teaching of undergraduate translation courses. In the 2016-2017 academic year, he taught in a challenging and innovative way combining his rich practical experience as a senior interpreting expert. He is not only concerned about the students' study, but also their personal growth. His dedication and outstanding teaching have made him very popular among students.


Prof. ZHOU Yan

Prof. ZHOU Yan, PhD (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden), MPhil (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), BS (University of Science and Technology of China)

He joined the university in December 2015 and is currently an Associate Professor of Physics at SSE.
Prof. ZHOU Yan is mainly responsible for two courses in the 2016-2017 academic year: PHY1001 - Mechanics and PHY2001 - Electromagnetism. He strives to be innovative in teaching. He uses different innovative teaching methods such as multimedia to explain the basic principles of physics in a funny way.