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Diligentia Golf | A step forward

  • 2017.12.08
  • News
On 30th Nov, the 2nd Diligentia Golf Activity unfolded in GENZON Golf Club.

In China’s entertainment circle, Mr. Feng Xiaogang, a famous director, is a fan of golf. “When you are playing golf, failed again and again, you could do nothing but accept them. You may have done a good job today but have terrible swings tomorrow. Attitude matters.” He writes in his book. Golf is shifting its aloof image and gaining popularity in China. What is the difference between golf and other sports that so many celebrities fell in love with it and stick to it in their lifetime? 



On 30th Nov, the 2nd Diligentia Golf Activity unfolded in GENZON Golf Club,

students experienced the sportsmanship in golf.


GENZON Golf Club

An important principle of golf course design is “adjust measures to local conditions”. Most golf courses are planned based on and make the most of natural landscape, including hill, mountain, lake and woodland. Architects would combined the natural landscape with golf competition requirements, empowered every course with its unique features. You can hardly find any course that exactly the same as another in the world because every golf club tied its best to attract more members with golf course’s one and only experience. It is a rewarding journey to enjoy different sceneries in different courses. Only golf adventurers could have a full swing in various courses.


Sportsmanship in golf

This is a famous photograph about golf. It demonstrates one of the most important sportsmanship --- respect. Unlike other sports, referees would not follow golfers closely in competition. No matter how fierce the competition is, every golfer should act on a binding code of conduct, respecting other players, being polite and humble. If you do not know golf well, you might puzzle what they are doing in the picture and what massage it conveys. They are refining the matted grass. Golf is an exquisite sport, after golf ball fell on the green, the matted grass will affect next player’s putting. So the first thing a professional golfer would do after he/she stroke the ball to green is refining grass to show respect to the next golfer, rather than searching the ball.  


It is of the same importance to keep quiet in course. Golfers need to focus when hitting, any distracting sound could affect the stroke. Taking your teammates and other players nearby in to consideration, you should keep voice down and do not run on the course, which will not only fidget other golfers but also damage the lawn. You would better tread lightly in some occasions. With its high cost, players’ elegant stance in swing, tranquil environment and most importantly, golfer’s good demeanor, golf is known as the gentleman’s sport.



Now, it is time to grab your club and learn how to strike. There were three professional coaches on site and students were divided into 4 groups, each group companied by a teaching assistant. After one-on-one tutoring, students adjusted their strike stance based on coaches’ suggestions. 

The last section was a competition joined by teaching assistants, in which the “sportsperson team” had a wonderful performance and highest scores. A hole-in-one is fabulous, while every swing counts to our happiness in golf.


Students’ comments

This was the first time I played golf. Before that, I thought golf was a mysterious and noble sport. Thanks to Diligentia College for organizing the event. We have learned from professionals about golf sportsmanship: respect your opponents and obey rules. After tutoring and practice, I could strike in a basic stance. What make the day perfect were all lovely buddies I met in the event. I had recommended Diligentia Golf Day to many friends and I wish there are more events like this are on the way.

Han Xue (Postgraduate from SME) 


Even my schedule were packed with deadlines, I signed up for the 2nd Diligentia Golf Day immediately after received the invitation --- I cannot wait to taking part in outdoor activities. While a misgiving haunted me: I have never played golf before, it seems quite easy. Will it be a boring day? When the day came, coaches taught us golf etiquettes before we practice in driving range: integrity, respect and sportsmanship. These clichés always bored me, but I was moved that day when coach showed us a picture, in which two professional golfers bent so hard to touch the grass. Nobody knows what they are doing. Coach explained, they are refining the green matted by their balls. A professional golfer would behave himself on course rather than rely on caddies for everything. These details showed their respect to course and other golfers. It is truly a noble sport. Once hold the club, I understood golf is not as easy as it seemed: a casual swing cannot strike a perfect curve. It was quite often being awkward to miss or overshoot the ball or find the ball just meters away after your swing. Thanks to coaches for their one-on-one tutoring and suggestions, I had made much progress.

We named us as “sportsperson team” in competition, since all members are the players of “elves” team in Sports Festival. I was confident to be with that strong team while getting nervous when the last team hit 100 yards. I stared at the scoreboard before swing, at that very moment, my friend Huiying reminded me: you are here for golf not for competition. The burden was relieved. I outdid myself with a calm mind.

Sports, especially group sports, would bring you an irreplaceable sense of belongingness. I am lucky to meet those friends with common habits through Diligentia College’s events: volleyball competition in Sports Festival and this Golf Day. Thanks to Diligentia College!

Zhang Xingruo (SME)


I joined the 2nd Diligentia Golf Day as a sportsman. When I was a child, I played golf with my father. But it is too hard for a child to hit the ball with a club. Golf was drifting away from my life then. Every time I saw this sport on TV, I thought it was something out of reach. It has been ten years since the last time I hold a club. Coming back to the course (even just the driving range) is quite exciting. I was itching to practice after coaches finished the introduction. At the beginning, I missed several balls but find my own pace later.    

In the competition, I was too nervous to have a standard performance, but our team still had the highest total scores. What’s more, I received the “most standard stance” award. To contrary with this award and to my embarrassment, I fluffed again and again in demonstration section.

We do not have much chance to play golf in daily life. It is relaxing and rewarding to take time from your tight academic schedule enjoying recreational sports (even it brought sores and aches the other day). Golf is not an intense exercise, it generates inner peace in your mind. Just like billiards, golf requires high accuracy for every strike. If you cannot keep calm you will fluffed again and again just like me…

The last but not the least thing I had learned in Golf Day is respect. Respect flows in every vein of golf: your care for a turf, your dressing and stance, etc. Golf Day is an enjoyable event and I hope there will be more events coming soon!

Zhong Guoren (SSE)


College note

Diligentia College had rearranged the event agenda in accordance with feedbacks from the 1st Golf Day. Apart from enjoying the physical exercise, we wish you would experience and reflect on golf sportsmanship -- “respect”. Thanks to all participants, you are our motivation. We hope everyone could have some takeaways in this event.

See you next time!