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First Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor Degree Students

  • 2018.05.21
  • News
On 20 May 2018, CUHK-Shenzhen hosted its graduation ceremony for the first cohort of bachelor degree graduates.

CUHK-Shenzhen Celebrates First Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor Degree Students 


On 20 May 2018, CUHK-Shenzhen hosted its graduation ceremony for the first cohort of bachelor degree graduates.

Professor Rocky S. Tuan made the opening speech and emphasized the important role that CUHK-Shenzhen plays in the development of the Greater Bay area.



Two Nobel laureates in economic sciences, Professor Myron Scholes, Distinguished Professor at Large of CUHK-Shenzhen, and Professor Jean Tirole, Distinguished Visiting Professor gave speeches at the graduation ceremony yesterday morning, encouraging the graduates to continue learning and exploring after stepping out of the campus.

'Remember in your careers ahead not to give up learning from your fellow colleagues. As I will stress connectivity and learning from others will be crucially important in your future successes. ' Said Professor Myron Scholes.


Professor Myron Scholes, Nobel laureate in economic sciences for 1997, Distinguished Professor at Large of CUHK-Shenzhen addresses the audience


Professor Jean Tirole, Nobel laureate in economic sciences for 2014, Distinguished Visiting Professor of CUHK-Shenzhen addresses the audience


After the speeches, the two Nobel laureates presented Presidential Awards for Outstanding Students to four graduates who had either won international prizes or stood out among their cohorts with pioneering projects.

Professor James Mirrlees, also a Nobel laureate in economic sciences joined them as the third Guest of Honour at the ceremony and the third distinguished role model for students. 

Wan Wei, who received the Presidential Award for Outstanding Students, made a speech on behalf of the Class of 2018. Wan's team has just made into the top six of the L’oreal Brandstorm 2018  World Final in Paris. This is the  the best performance that teams from Chineses universities have ever achieved.  

'I feel so lucky that CUHKSZ has provided us with such a great platform to explore our potentials and to try various things; I feel so lucky that there are so many knowledgeable professors willing to give us help and suggestions; I feel so lucky that I have so many excellent and hardworking fellow classmates who are always by our side. '


Student Representative Wan Wei adresses the audience


Prof. Yangsheng Xu, President of CUHK-Shenzhen, extended the warmest congratulations and encouragement to the graduates. He gave special recognition to the two graduate entrepreneurs who have donated one million RMB to the university.

'I am truly proud of you because you have already learnt to be grateful, to be responsible, and to take the long view when making life decisions. ' 

Xu also showed his gratitude to the graduates and their parents for putting their trust in the university four years ago, and said that the university had made every effort to cultivate the students into responsible citizens with global visions.


Prof. Yangsheng Xu, President of CUHK-Shenzhen addresses the audience


Among all the graduates, 65% of them are going to pursue further study in prestigious universities around the world, including Yale University, Columbia University, Cornell University, UC Berkeley, UCLA, University of Oxford, London School of Economics, Imperial College London, National University of Singapore, the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong……

Nearly 35% graduates have secured employment in a wide range of careers, ranging from finance, technology to internet industry. Recruiters include CICC, HSBC, BOC, P&G, Coca Cola, Tencent, Huawei, Deloitte, Ernst & Young and PWC. The average salary is around 140, 000 RMB per year.  

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, located at Longgang district, Shenzhen, was jointly built by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Shenzhen Municipal Government with the approval of the Ministry of Education. It is committed to nurturing high end talent with global perspective, Chinese tradition and social responsibility.

At present, the University has programmes in economics and management, science and engineering, and humanities and social science. Its long-term goal is to recruit 11,000 domestic and international students, 7,500 of whom will be undergraduate students and 3,500 Masters or PhD students.