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2018 High Table Dinner of Diligentia College

  • 2018.11.26
  • News
The annual high table dinner of Diligentia College was held again on November 23, conveying gratitude to every Diligentian. Different from previous years, more words were added to this year's theme: to pass on spirit from generation to generation. The arrangement of the program also reflected the inheritance of the college.

Wang Yifan, a freshman from Class 2018, and Ma Siyi, from Class 2015, served as the hosts of the high table dinner. As they said at the beginning, "the significance of the college is reflected in the succession of generations." Prof. Gu Yang, President of Diligentia College, delivered a welcome speech to all guests, teachers, and students. It was Thanksgiving Day, Prof. Gu Yang once again extended sincere thanks to the college office, wardens, tutors, teachers, and all the Diligentian for the development of the college. The college has always paid attention to "cultivating talents". Last year, in order to cultivate students' qualities, inherit and carry forward the elite of Chinese culture and broaden students' horizons, Diligentia College held many activities, which enriched college life and let students learn a lot after school.


The development of Diligentia College in these three years has been remarkable. In the summer of 2018, the college saw off the first batch of graduates and ushered in a new generation of students. In her speech, Prof. Gu expressed her expectation for all Diligentian. She hoped that we could become open and enthusiastic about life, that we could solve problems in face of difficulties, that we could always look ahead, and that we could all become a bright star in the vast night sky.


Prof. Liu graduated from Cass Business School, City University London, UK and was awarded Doctor of Social Science (honoris causa) by CUHK. Prof. Liu was the chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission and currently is Director and Distinguished Professor of Shenzhen Finance Institute in CUHK-Shenzhen. Combining with his own experience, he talked about the connection between "confidence" and "destiny" from three aspects. First, confidence is the cornerstone for the survival and prosperity of a country and a nation. Second, confidence is the guarantee of the success of the market economy. Confidence is the key to personal and family well-being.

The surprise for the high table dinner was The Bird's Courting Song performed by Woo Sing Choir from CUHK and Diligentia from CUHKSZ. The performance interpreted the nimbleness and brevity of music. With the conductor's concentration, the singers' emotive expression, and the listeners' respect and close attention, the dinner party was embodied distinguished beauty and also showed the harmony among students of CUHK-Shenzhen. The college system of CUHKSZ is inherited from CUHK. The performance jointly completed by the colleges from mainland and Hong Kong offered us the opportunity to appreciate music and feel the cultural inheritance and exchange between the two universities.

Next, National Scholarship winner Yang Meng shared her thoughts and feelings about college life. In addition, she showed a short film "From the past and for the future" where many familiar senior showed up, expressing their gratitude and blessings to the college with the most sincere emotions. Their choices for the future vary. Most left campus and were far apart, but the memory of their time in college filled their eyes with nostalgia. College was not only a residential area but also a place for a family to live. It recorded our laughter and witnessed our growth. Even though we will be separated from each other one day, these wonderful memories and the existence of the college united us as a unity which can find its root.

For high table dinner, delicious western food was a must. Appetizer, soup, main course, dessert, and beverage were all served: avocado and prawn salad, filet steak, Italian broccoli soup... There were also postcards and bookmarks specially made for Diligentia high table dinner. During the dinner, the unique 3D water world performance perfectly combined traditional dance with high technology. The application of holographic projection and the fancy solo dance innovatively integrated the technology and tradition, which made every Diligentian feel the artistic atmosphere and aware of  the inheritance of tradition and modernity.

 It's the opportunity to look back on the past glory and reflect on today's responsibility. Diligentia College has gone through three years. Many students leaving college took photos to say goodbye to their last high table dinner, preserving precious memories. Many new college students sit at high table for the first time and were full of curiosity and expectation about college and school life. The annual high table dinner recorded the growth of Diligentia College and inherited the power of Diligentia. Wish us a reasonable knowledge structure, all kinds of skills and a noble sentiment. Hope we understand how the world works, and become a better person. In all, Diligentia is always a big family. As in the group photo, everyone got together happily. There was a genuine smile on everyone's face. We are becoming better. Thanks for being with us to pass on spirit from generation to generation.