The Workshop will take place during May 31-June 2, 2019 on the campus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. This will be the 10th anniversary of the Mostly OM workshop, which was inaugurated in 2009 and continued every year at Tsinghua University. Mostly OM 2019, co-sponsored by the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), will continue the tradition of featuring plenary presentations on some of the most active topics in operations management and related fields, and will additionally feature dozens of parallel sessions.
Plenary Speakers

Parallel Sessions
There are 24 sessions with more than 80 talks on the frontiers of OM research.
All sessions have been confirmed, and listed below in alphabetical order of the session chair's last name. More details will follow soon.
Chaithanya Bandi (Northwestern): Robust Optimization Approaches to Scheduling and Queueing
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Minglong Zhou (NUS)
Satisficing Framework in Intra-day Scheduling
Gar Goei Loke (NUS)
Leveraging Hidden Convexity for Optimal Flow Control in Queueing Networks
Chaithanya Bandi (Northwestern)
Tractable Control and Analysis of Decision Flow Networks
Yichuan Ding (UBC)
Capacity Management for Continuity of Care
Xin Chen (UIUC): New Optimization Approaches for Stochastic Inventory Systems
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Xiangyu Gao (CUHK)
Stochastic Optimization with Decisions Truncated by Dependent Random Variables
Sridhar Seshadri (UIUC)
A Bound on the Cost of a Simple Policy in a Dual Sourcing Inventory System
Xin Chen (UIUC)
M-Natural-Convexity and Its Applications
Xinyun Chen (CUHK-ShenZhen): Simulation and Its Applications in Optimization and Data Analysis
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Xuefeng Gao (CUHK)
Momentum-Based Acceleration for Non-convex Stochastic Optimization
Xiaowei Zhang (City U HK)
Bayesian Sequential Learning for Contextual Selection
Zeyu Zheng (Berkeley)
Efficient Model Selection for Arrival Data
Xinyun Chen (CUHK-SZ)
Stationary Simulation for Queues with Autoregressive Arrivals
Yichuan Ding (UBC): Capacity Management in Healthcare
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Pengyi Shi (Purdue)
Inpatient Capacity Design with a Network View and Off-service Placement
Guohua Wan (SJTU)
Appointment Scheduling in Healthcare
Zhichao Zheng (SMU)
Model and Control in Patient Treatment
Yuqian Xu (UIUC)
Contract Design in Healthcare Delivery
Long He (NUS): Data-Driven Operations Management
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Zhenzhen Yan (NTU)
A Data-driven Approach to Pricing with Customer Segmentation
Zhaowei Hao (NUS)
Robust Vehicle Allocation with Uncertain Covariates
Hailong Sun (NUS)
Representative Agent Model and Its Application in Bundle Pricing Problem
Long He (NUS)
Data-Driven Order Assignment for Last Mile Delivery
Junfei Huang (CUHK): Stochastic Processes and Their Applications
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Xuefeng Gao (CUHK)
Affine Point Processes: Refinements to Large-Time Asymptotics
Yongjiang Guo (BUPT)
Strong Approximation Method and Its Applications in Queueing Models
Dongyuan Zhan (UCL)
Harnessing the Double-edged Sword via Routing: Information Provision on Ride-hailing Platforms
Karthyek Murthy (SUTD): Modeling and Methodological Advances in Robust and Distributionally Robust Optimization
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Napat Rujeerapaiboon (NUS)
Robust Multidimensional Pricing: Separation without Regret
Zhichao Zheng (SMU)
Data-driven Distributionally Robust Optimization of Schedule Reliability in Liner Shipping
Xiaobo Li (NUS)
First or Zeroth Order Methods for Solving Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Optimization
Karthyek Murthy (SUTD)
Exploiting Partial Correlations in Distributionally Robust Appointment Scheduling
Karthik Natarajan (SUTD): Advances in Distributionally Robust Optimization
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Huajie Qian (Columbia)
Enhancing Optimality-Feasibility Tradeoff for Data-Driven Optimization under Uncertain Constraints
Karthik Natarajan (SUTD)
On the Heavy-Tail Behavior of the Distributionally Robust Newsvendor
Omid Nohadani (Northwestern)
Sustainable Inventory with Robust Periodic-Affine Policies and Application to Medical Supply Chains
Yam Huo (Northwestern)
Robust Optimal Recommendations for Risk-Aware Customers
Zhan Pang (Purdue): Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty: Theories and Applications
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Xinshang Wang (SJTU/Alibaba)
Conservative Exploration for Semi-Bandits with Linear Generalization: A Product Selection Problem for Urban Warehouses
Shumin Wang (University of CAS)
Risk-Sensitive Appointment Scheduling with Multiple Patient Classes: A Data-Driven Approach
Zhan Pang (Purdue)
Risk Measure and Risk Preferences in Cumulative Prospect Theory: A Stochastic Dominance Approach
Yijie Peng (PKU): Simulation Optimization
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Guangwu Liu (City U HK)
A Misspecification Test for Simulation Metamodels
Jun Luo (SJTU)
Speeding Up Ranking and Selection Procedures for Large Scale Problems Using Cloud Computing
Yijie Peng (PKU)
Stochastic Gradient Estimation for Artificial Neural Networks
Enlu Zhou (Georgia Tech)
Ranking and Selection Under Input Uncertainty: Fixed Confidence and Fixed Budget
Cong Shi/Xiting Gong (Michigan/CUHK): Asymptotic Analysis for Stochastic Inventory Systems
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Qiong Wang (UIUC)
Exploiting Random Lead Times for Significant Inventory Cost Savings
Cong Shi (Michigan)
Marrying Stochastic Gradient Descent with Bandits: Learning Algorithms for Inventory Systems with Fixed Costs
Xiting Gong (CUHK)
Asymptotic Optimality of Base-stock Policies for Perishable Inventory Systems
Pengyi Shi (Purdue): Resource Allocation in Public Health
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Can Zhang (Duke)
Hep C Treatment in Prison
Hui Zhao (Penn State)
Reimbursement in Drug Spending
Yichuan Ding (UBC)
Resource Allocation in Kidney/Public Housing
Pengyi Shi (Purdue)
Discharge Management for Patient Flow
Melvyn Sim (NUS): Tractable Approaches for Optimization under Uncertainty
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Peng Xiong (NUS)
Robust Stochastic Optimization with RSOME
Qinshen Tang (NUS)
Joint Pricing and Production: A Fusion of Machine Learning and Robust Optimization
Minglong Zhou (NUS)
Resource Satisficing Advance Scheduling
Rui Gao (Texas)
Classification with Limited Information
Peng Sun (Duke): Optimal Designs to Improve Performances of Systems and Markets
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Jiaming Xu (Duke)
Improved Queue-Size Scaling for Input-Queued Switches via Graph Factorization
Sasa Pekec (Duke)
Operational Tools for Optimizing Performance of Two-sided Service Platforms
Ali Makhdoumi (Duke)
Optimal Subscription Planning of Digital Goods
Azarakhsh Malekian (Toronto)
Maximizing Sequence-Submodular Functions and its Applications to Online Advertising
Chung Piaw Teo/ Long He (NUS/NUS): Online Optimization in Operations Management
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Guodong Lyu (NUS)
Online Planning with Forecast
Wang Chi Cheung (NUS)
Thompson Sampling for Online Personalized Assortment Optimization Problems with Multinomial Logit Choice Models
Sheng Bi (NUS)
Inventory Allocation for New Items in Online Retailing
Chao Liang (CKGSB)
Online Order Fulfillment: Facility Location and Strategic Customer Behavior
Jianfu Wang (NTU): Service Operations from the Perspective of Strategic Queueing
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Pengfei Guo (PolyU)
On the 'Jump-in-Pool' Equilibrium in an Unobservable Priority Queue with Homogeneous Customers
Chenguang Wu (HKUST)
Managing Services with Dependent Service Valuation and Service Times
Jianfu Wang (NTU)
Efficient Inaccuracy: User-Generated Information Sharing in a Queue
Liao Wang (HKU): Interface of Operations and Finance
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Jing Wu (City U)
The Financing Role of Inventory: Evidence from China's Metal Industries
Andrea Roncoroni (ESSEC Business School)
Combined Custom Hedging: Optimal Design, Noninsurable Exposure, and Operational Risk Management
Alex Yang (HKU)
Blockchain in Platforms: Operational and Financial Implications
Duo Shi (CUHK-SZ)
Food Safety Audits in the Developing Economies: Centralization vs. Decentralization
Kuang Xu (Stanford): Information and Learning in Dynamic Resource Allocation
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Daniel Russo (Colmubia)
Global Convergence Guarantees for Policy Gradient Methods
Mengdi Wang (Princeton)
Learning to Control in Metric Space
Kuang Xu (Stanford)
Information, Memory and Capacity in Dynamic Resource Allocation
Yuqian Xu (UIUC): Stochastic Models in Service Operations
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Can Zhang (Duke)
Perishable Inventory Sharing in a Two-Location System
Lingjiong Zhu (Minnesota)
Operational Risk Management: Preventive vs Corrective Control
Yuqian Xu (UIUC)
Operational Risk Management: An Optimal Inspection Policy
Houmin Yan (City U): Learning and Analytics for E-tailer Operations
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Yanzhi Li (City U)
Dynamic Assortment Planning Based on Ranking Choice Models
Biying Shou (City U)
Operations Analytics for Flash-Sales Products
Houmin Yan (City U)
Click-through and Purchasing Rates Optimization for E-tailer Plate-form: Leaning, Optimal Control and Long-Run Average Objectives
Vijay Mookerjee (UT Dallas)
The Race for Online Reputation: Implications for Platforms, Firms and Consumers
Hengqing Ye (PolyU): Data Science in Practice
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Yuewen Liu (Xi'an Jiaotong U)
Network Analysis and Its Practical Applications
Guohua Wan (SJTU)
Lot-Sizing and Scheduling in a Multistage Production System with Demand Information Updating: A Case of Yanfeng Automotive Trim Systems
Wenbin Zhu (South China University of Technology)
Combining Machine Learning and Column Generation Techniques to Solve the Set Cover Model for A Multiple Container Loading Problem
Jiheng Zhang (HKUST): Optimal Control in Stochastic Systems
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Shining Wu (Poly U)
A Learning Algorithm for Capacity Provisioning of Queueing Systems with Impatient Customers
Guangju Wang (HKUST)
On-demand Matching in a Spatial Model with Abandonment and Cancellation
Hailun Zhang (HKUST)
Online Demand Fulfillment under Limited Flexibility
Ming Liu (CUHK-SZ)
The Value of "Being Fast" : Evidence from an On-Demand Meal Delivery Platform
Sean Zhou (CUHK): OM/Marketing Interfaces
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Keehyung Kim (CUHK)
Social Structures and Reputation in Expert Review Systems
Lin Tian (Fudan)
Manufacturer's Entry in the Product-Sharing Market
Qianbo Yin (SHUFE)
Bundling Strategy with Context-Dependent Preferences
Ning Zhu (TJU): Operations Research Applications in Transportation
Workshop Organization
Workshop Co-Chairs:
• Prof. Jian Chen, Research Center for Contemporary Management, Tsinghua University, China
• Prof. Jim Dai, Institute for Data and Decision Analytics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
• Prof. David Yao, Data Science Institute, Columbia University, USA
Steering Committee:
• Prof. J. George Shanthikumar, POMS President, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
• Prof. Annabelle Qi Feng, POMS Board Member, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
• Prof. Sushil Gupta, Executive Director, POMS
• Prof. Zhaofang Mao, POMS Regional Vice President Australasia, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
• Prof. Jian Chen, Research Center for Contemporary Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
• Prof. Tom Luo, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
Workshop Organizing Committee:
• Prof. Jian Chen, Research Center for Contemporary Management, Tsinghua University, China
• Prof. Jim Dai, Institute for Data and Decision Analytics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
• Prof. David Yao, Data Science Institute, Columbia University, USA
• Prof. Shilu Tong, School of Management and Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
• Prof. Zizhuo Wang, Institute for Data and Decision Analytics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
• Prof. Yongbo Xiao, Research Center for Contemporary Management, Tsinghua University, China
Registration Information:
A registration fee is required for each applicant. Applicant who registers before May 15th can enjoy an early-bird discount. Please note that the quota is limited.
Here is information about registration fees:
· Student Applicants:
Early-bird price¥1,200/$180
(By May 15th)
Standard price¥1,500/$225
(After May 15th)
· Non-Student Applicants:
Early-bird price¥2,000/$300
(By May 15th)
Standard price¥2,500/$375
(After May 15th)

Workshop Registration: Please scan the QR code below to register
Joint Sponsors