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Professor Wang Xiaotian, Director of Applied Psychology Program, visited the Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China

  • 2020.1.14
  • News
Professor Wang Xiaotian had a friendly visit to the Department of Psychology of Renmin University of China. He was invited to give an academic report on "Cultural values, life and death views and time management".

On December 25, 2019, Professor Wang Xiaotian, Director of Applied Psychology, from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, visited the Department of Psychology, in Renmin University of China.

During his visit, Professor Wang discussed about potential collaboration on student exchange programs and academic links with people from Psychology Department of Renmin University of China, as well as the preliminary of the annual conference of the Cultural Psychology Committee of the Chinese Psychological Association.

Professor Wang Xiaotian

In the afternoon, Professor Wang was invited to deliver a lecture ‘cultural values, life and death views and time management’. From the perspective of cultural values and views on life and death, He discussed ‘the behavioral effect of death consciousness’, and introduced ‘the theory of life history and time management model’ and ‘the multiple behavioral effects of life limitation’ from views of theoretical construction and experimental research. The teachers and students were enthusiastic during the lecture. At the end, Professor Hu Ping presented a gift to Professor Wang on behalf of the Psychology Department of Renmin University of China.

Professor Wang Xiaotian received the gift from Professor Hu Ping (right) 

The visit strengthened the communication and cooperation between the two universities and promoted the construction of the Applied Psychology Program.