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Galaxy World and CUHK (SZ) launched Innovation Base

  • 2015.09.25
  • News
Galaxy World and CUHK (SZ) launched Innovation Base

On September 25, 2015, a ceremony was held at Daoyuan Building of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (“University” or “CUHK (SZ)”) to celebrate the launch of the Galaxy World CUHK (SZ) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base (“Galaxy World Base”).

Eliot Gattegno, Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at the University, described the entire innovation system. He pointed out that the center is mainly engaged in providing basic training, developing prototype machines, forming teams and researching business models; Galaxy World Base serves as a platform where businesses start operations. Professor Eliot believed that to facilitate students to innovate the University and Galaxy Group have offered best conditions comparable to those provided by Stanford University, the cradle of innovation in America.

Xuejin Li, Association Vice President of the University, introduced how the Galaxy World Base was formed. Shenzhen is well known for its innovativeness and the University for nurturing innovative talents. The University has worked closely with such famous enterprises as Hua Wei and has seen wide applications of some of its achievements in businesses. Galaxy Group is a well-known local business which is also interested in charity and education. Thanks to President Chulong Huang, Galaxy World Base has been created to promote innovation and entrepreneurship of the University, Shenzhen and even the country.

Galaxy Bowen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Institute is a professional organization formed for all entrepreneurs. Dr. Jingyu Yan, president of the institute, introduced a service ecosystem the institute has prepared for business startups where seeding capital, angle investment, A-shares investment will be provided. He also stressed that offices have been reserved for further development of Galaxy World Base to meet increasing needs.

Lastly, Yangsheng Xu, President of the University, gave an exciting speech on the theme. He pointed out that Shenzhen is the best place in the world to start up a business as it has a young population leaving their homelands and pursuing their dreams. Furthermore, the city provides peripheral capabilities as it is known as the Capital of Copycats. Then he threw out a question and asked the students where innovation comes from. He cited two examples, Google’s auto translation glasses and omni-directional steering electric automobiles, to show innovation is all about removing discomforts and inconveniences in our life. He also told the students that intelligence is nothing but a small part of success. Gallantry and decisiveness play a key role as well. It is a pity that our education has focused on the former to such an extent that the more learned you are, the less venturesome you become.