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IEEE Vice President Visits the University

  • 2015.10.21
  • News
IEEE Vice President Visits the University

On the morning of October 20, IEEE Vice President Vincenzo Piuri visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (“University”) and introduced IEEE to students and staff members.

IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, an association for world electrical and Electronics engineers. It is the world’s largest non-profit special technological society with over 400,000 members in more than 160 countries. IEEE takes up 1/3 of all publications in the world relating to the fields of electrical and electronics engineering, computer and control. President Yangsheng Xu, Vice President Tom Luo and Vice President Joe Qin are all IEEE fellows.

IEEE’s core feature is innovation. Professor Vincenzo Piuri expressed that they wish to help human beings live a better life by promoting technological advances and innovation. Meanwhile, his organization also advances dissemination of knowledge in other disciplines, for instance, information technology and life science. Professor Vincenzo Piuri told the audience that IEEE is a platform open to people from all walks of life and it is his belief that each and every one of us can contribute to technological advancement. What’s more, IEEE provides support to various regions based on their needs. For instance, it has provided facilities to schools in Haiti and India. Lastly, Professor Vincenzo Piuri encourages the students to grasp their knowledge in their fields, work hard and achieve enlightenment.

Professor Vincenzo Piuri has been an IEEE fellow since 2001 and he was named Distinguished Scientist by Association for Computing Machinary in 2008. He specializes in signal and image processing, machine learning, model analysis and identification, neural networks theory and industrial applications.