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Happy National Women's Day

  • 2017.03.08
  • News
On National Women's Day, March 8th, 2017, Diligentia College prepared sunflowers for students to extend their gratitudes to great women in their lives. Happy National Women's Day!

Women  play various roles with their unique features releasing strong energies contributing to a better world. On National Women's Day, have you got sunflowers from Diligentia and taken this chance to extend your gratitudes to great women beside you? Send the flowers to your beloved mother, knowledgeable teachers, diligent staffs, busy cleaners, intimate friends or even yourself, for your hard work. Our participants had something to say during the activity.

To Family

“Happy National Women's Day, my dearest mom! May you a good health and all the best!” 
“Maternal love is one that requires nothing to return.”
“I love you, mom!”
“I want to send my mom these flowers for her grin and bear.”
“It is a husband's responsibility to respect women and respect my wife. I am willing to become the sunflowers to show my wife an everyday smile.”
“My dear daughter, thanks for having you in my life.”


To Friends

“It is because of you that my life is not merely filled with calm underground streams.”
“To my love, hope you will be loved and cared forever.”
“You are the only one of whom I miss.”
“My sweetie, wish you a promotion and a rising pay. Hope you find your love in 2017.”
“Remember to chase after sincerity and devotion : )”
“Thank you! Good to have you in Diligentia.”
“Thank you for your devotion and passion to this university and your work. We have benefited a lot from your service. Hope everything goes well with you.”
“Thank you for keeping the lab clean and neat every day~”
“Property staffs are so busy every day. Love you all. You are really beautiful. Thank you for supporting our work!”
“They are always very friendly even when late at night. Happy Women's Day!”

To Teachers

“A long-waited thank you! Grateful to meet you!”
“These sunflowers are for you~may you all the best!”
“Miss Jin! So impressed by your elegancy! It is an enjoyment to be in your Chinese class! Happy every day!”
“Thank you for excellent classes on city research. I have longed for gorgeous city landscapes in every class. Hope to go around magnificent literature world with you in future!”
“You are my favorite female teacher in CUHKSZ and hope to see your smile every day.”
“Thank Miss Zhang for working together with teachers from MA group! Thank you for your hard work! “
“Thank you for meeting you in CUHKSZ, and thank you for guiding me.”


To Myself 

“Happy every day!”
“Work hard and never give up. You have done a good job and all you should do is to stick to it. You have overcome so many difficulties. You can do better in future!”
“We should all be good to ourselves.”
“Happy Women's Day to myself. Hope to keep brave and happy with gratitude in my heart!”