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“Toward the Age of Intelligence with Global Wisdom” AAMA-PRD 5th Anniversary and Inaugural Conference

  • 2018.03.20
  • News
The innovation-driven economy will create a new market for new industry and products through technical innovation in the next 20 years. More and more giants with market capitalization over RMB 100 billion will appear in China, and what could we do to cope with the trend of the times?

Intellectualization ignites the fourth industrial revolution, and a technical revolution spreads in intelligent industry worldwide. The innovation-driven economy will create a new market for new industry and products through technical innovation in the next 20 years. More and more giants with market capitalization over RMB 100 billion will appear in China, and what could we do to cope with the trend of the times?


On March 11, 2018 (Sunday), the AAMA-PRD 5th Anniversary and Inaugural Conference was held at Shenzhen Research Institute of CUHK, which is a milestone in its history. The Conference, themed by “Toward the Age of Intelligence with Global Wisdom”, in the form of keynote speech, round table dialogue and experience sharing between mentors and trainees in entrepreneurship incubation plan to promote and cultivate future technological and business leaders. The organizer had invited high-end industry participants and entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley, Beijing and Taiwan, gathering experts who represent pioneering technology and smart technology in different social fields from San Francisco Bay Area and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to conduct an in-depth communication and dialogue.


Firstly, Zheng Zhuorong, president of AAMA-PRD delivered a speech in the meeting. Fanny Law, chairperson of HK Science and Technology Parks Corporation, gave a special speech on "Opportunities and Challenges for Hong Kong to Integrate into "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area". Innovation is the driving force for economic development in the new era. How will Hong Kong strengthen its advantages in fields of biotechnology, AI, smart city and financial technology to benefit more start-ups?


Professor Jesús SEADE, associate vice-president of CUHK, Shenzhen, made a special talk on "Greater Bay Area Business in the Current Complicated Global Business Context" and how to search for opportunities in the rapid development of new industries with huge market.


Doctor Gao Qunyao, former senior vice president of Wanda Culture Group and CEO of Wanda International Division, former senior vice president of global operations of News Corp and Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., CEO for China investment and strategic development, former president and general manager of Microsoft China, visiting professor of CUHK Business School delivered a speech entitled "Be a Bold Surfer in the Current Times" to the audience and alumni of CUHK present on the occasion. Smart technology ushers in sweeping social changes, and the Internet, communication and intelligent industry changes our way of life and business sector. Modern technological revolution brings along an era of comprehensive change which has greater momentum than in the past. In the wave of the times, how can one be a surfer?


Mr. Liu Xiaoying, founder of Eagles Fund, famous entrepreneur and angel investor, AAMA Cradle Plan mentor, shared "Innovative and Entrepreneurial Project Which I Want to Invest In". He shared his experience as an entrepreneur, hoping entrepreneurs stick to their original aspirations and improve themselves constantly.


Round table dialogue I: With the theme of "Talk on Two Bay Areas--San Francisco Bay Area and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area", Mr. S.C.Mak, vice chairman of HKVCA chaired the round table meeting, conducting an in-depth dialogue with guests, Dr. Huang Shaoming, managing director of Macro Research Department, Haitong International, Professor Li Benneng, president of AAMA (Silicon Valley), and president of AAMA-PRD, and visiting professor for entrepreneurship practice of CUHK Business School, Wang Mingxin, president of ASTRI, and Justice of the Peace, and Ms. Josephine Cheng, NAE member, IBM Fellow, and former general manager of IBM China Development Center.


The San Francisco Bay Area and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in China, ranking among the four major bay areas in the world, has exerted an important impact on the world economy through participating in the global competition. Distinguished guests from San Francisco-world "Silicon Valley" and International Science and Technology Innovation Center-China "Silicon Valley" gathered here to have an exchange on global wisdom and analyze the advantages and similarities of the two bay areas. But what is the difference in entrepreneurship and innovation environment between the two areas? What can we learn from Silicon Valley? China has surpassed the US in mobile Internet, mobile payment, what frontier fields else, such as artificial intelligence, electric automobile, automatic drive and biotechnology, can China "Overtakes the US on the corner"? At the same time, what role does Hong Kong play in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area?


Round table dialogue II: With the theme of "Bay Area-Innovation and Entrepreneurship", Mr. Liang Yingzhun, the vice-president and founder chairman of AAMA-PRD acted as the host to exchange and share his views with guests, Mr. Li Hansheng, the founder of Leanone Angle Community, Professor Howard Lam, Director (Marketing and Communications) of School of Management and Economics, CUHK-Shenzhen, and Professor Gao Qunyao.


In the global market with changing economy and increasingly fierce competition, innovation and entrepreneurship have become the key to success and the engine to create new employment opportunity. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, led by Shenzhen, has become the strong economic entity with the help of innovation and entrepreneurship. Silicon Valley is the world leading innovation and entrepreneurship center of high-tech industry, and it also has become the synonym of top high-tech and R&D enterprise. Which success factors shall be mastered by innovation and entrepreneurship center? What role do venture investors and angle investors play? What personal quality do successful entrepreneurs have?


“Success cannot be duplicated, wisdom can be inherited”, AAMA Cradle Plan of Future Technology & Science and Business Leaders is a project promoting the growth and progress of young entrepreneurs in China. 10 successful people in science and technology, business, investment and finance fields are invited to act as tutors every year, and at the same time, 10-20 entrepreneurs with potential are selected through multiple channels. By one to one tutoring, lectures and training, group activities and other ways, an opportunity for young entrepreneurs to learn from tutors face to face is created, and an online learning organization for the experience exchange and share between tutors and students and between students is established. The “Cradle Plan” has become most influential in entrepreneur cultivation in China.


In special column of AAMA Future Technology & Science and Business Leaders-Entrepreneurship Cradle Plan, Mr. Yu Yiheng, the co-president of AAMA-PRD delivered a speech, Ms. Lin Beiru, the CEO of AAMA Taipei Cradle Plan, Mr. Yan Louyou, the co-founder/president of AAMA Taipei Cradle Plan and Ms. Guo Jimei, the secretary general of AAMA also made a speech respectively to share the difficulties and successes in development, innovation and entrepreneurship process of AAMA Cradle Plan in Taipei, Beijing, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta region.  The growth of AAMA Cradle Plan shows that wisdom comes from experience.


450 guests were present at the forum, including business men, scientists and engineers, scholars, researchers, investors, entrepreneurs from San Francisco-world "Silicon Valley" and International Science and Technology Innovation Center-China "Silicon Valley", and leaders, teachers, students from CUHK (Shenzhen). They gathered here to go toward the age of intelligence with global wisdom.


AAMA-PRD aims at creating the global technology and innovation center, and various activities are also held to improve the local technological innovation business environment. And it works closely with the AAMA Silicon Valley headquarters which was set up in 1979, making its own contributions to the development of the Pearl River Delta region.


About AAMA:

AAMA (Asia America MultiTechnology Association), set up in Silicon Valley in the US in 1979;

AAMA Beijing, set up in 2004;

AAMA Taiwan, set up in Taipei in 2012;

AAMA Hong Kong/PRD, set up in Hong Kong in 2012.


Aims of AAMA: strength the contact and cooperation between enterprises, promote the business development of Asian-Pacific region; promote the growth of managements and leaders; carry forward the achievements of ethnic Chinese in corporate America. AAMA is a communication platform for high-end people in Asian science & technology and business world. By carrying out local activities, the connection between enterprises across regions can be strengthened, and the bonding of AAMA members and its Silicon Valley Headquaters can be ensured, in order to obtain global resources and business cooperation opportunities.


AAMA-PRD aims at creating the global technology and innovation center, and various activities are also held to improve the local technological innovation business environment. And it works closely with the AAMA Silicon Valley headquarters which was set up in 1979, making its own contributions to the development of the Pearl River Delta region.