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Experience Sharing Meeting with Professor Joseph J.Y.Sung

  • 2014.12.8
  • News
Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chairman of Governing Board of CUHK, Shenzhen, arrived at CUHK (SZ) and held an experience sharing meeting with SME students on December 8th. About 100 students attended the meeting.    

Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chairman of Governing Board of CUHK, Shenzhen, arrived at CUHK (SZ) and held an experience sharing meeting with SME students on December 8th. About 100 students attended the meeting.


The sharing was in English and casual, under the topic of “What Kind of University Graduate We Need.” Beginning with a 30-minute speech, Professor Sung shared with students his own life experiences and his reflections on a book called How Will You Measure Your Life?


In order to be successful, “one must find something appeals to him/her in an early age,” suggested Professor Sung in his speech, “so that one can stick to it and do a great job.” When he was young, Professor Sung used to work hard studying medicine without counting how many hours he spent on practicing it, and he tried his best to save every patient’s life, in doing which him lived a fulfilled life. “It is important to love what you do as your job, or you may not be happy. Listen to your heart and follow your dream,” added Professor Sung.


The second important thing for one to be successful and to live a fulfilled life, as Professor Sung pointed out, was to treasure family values. “Nothing else is as important as your family which you depend upon in your life,” taking Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers and the presidents of America, as a good example. Professor Sung also talked about one of the most difficult moment in his life during the SARS, which was also the moment that he realized the importance of support from his family.


After the speech, Professor Sung opened the floor for questions. He spent an hour discussing issues that students were concerned with, from time management, family relationship, to students’ interest clubs. To thank Professor Sung for his wonderful speech and sharing, students of CUHK (SZ) presented a photographic work by one of the SME students, as a souvenir to show their compliments.


“He has an impressive, caring, character,” said one of the students after listening to Professor Sung, “we felt close to him. And we felt encouraged to explore our potentials in our college life.”

Translated by Ming Ding