— 新闻 —


  • 文字|欧亮(2016级理工学院学生) 照片|欧亮 李雨晴(2016级理工学院学生) 王义晖(2015级理工学院学生)
  • 2018.6.10
  • 新闻

一、大学简介 Introduction of TUDO


        TUDO全名为多特蒙德工业大学[Technische Universität Dortmund],位于德国西部北莱茵威斯特法伦州[Nordrhein-Westfalen]的多特蒙德市[Dortmund],始建于1968年。作为专长于工科学科的重点理工类大学,TUDO为德国老牌工业区鲁尔区[Ruhrgebiet]培养了大量高素质的劳动力及科学人才。例如,在刚刚收购了全球农化巨头孟山都[Monsanto]的著名化工公司拜耳[Bayer AG]中,约有40%的工程师毕业于TUDO的生物与化学工程系[Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen]。


Founded in 1968, Technische Universität Dortmund (TUDO) is located at the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, which lies in the west of Germany. As it focuses on engineering subjects, TUDO has nurtured a large quantity of technical labour force for Ruhr region, the world famous industrial district. For instance, in Bayer AG, the pharmaceutical magnate who just purchased the world-leading agrochemical corporation Monsanto, about 40% of the engineers graduated from the Bio- and Chemistry Department of TUDO.


二、生活初感 A First Touch of German Life


时差 Time Difference



Due to the adjustment of daylight saving time in March, during the whole summer course Berlin time is six hours slower than Beijing time, i.e., 13:00 in China is 7:00am in German. Usually the sun rises at 5am and the sunset is around 9pm or 10pm.


三餐节律 Dining Time




It is not a surprising issue that in Germany, the country that “pays the least attention to dining”, people do not have a regular meal time. You may spot someone having breakfast at 11:00, lunch at 15:00, and dinner at 17:00 — it is possible to have any meal at any time. However, a large portion of German do not have dinner due to the late time and large intake of lunch. Thus, for those with a weak stomach, it is strongly suggested to always take some snacks with you, since you seldom know the time, location, or content of the next meal when hanging out with German friends.


键盘 Keyboard




The locations of Y and Z are exchanged in a German keyboard. Also, to cope with the representation of the umlaut letters (ü,ö,ä) and ß, most of the punctuations are relocated.



三、校园一瞥 A Glance of the Campus



The whole campus consists of a south part and a north one, which are connected by H-Bahn, a kind of hanging railways. The railway is free with a student card, otherwise it charges fees. Every component of the school architecture gives out a strong sense of engineering style. Additionally, since the full name and the abbreviation of a building never appear at the same time, it might take some time to recognize the buildings for fresh students.


四、本周活动 Activities in the 1st Week


与Double见面 Meeting Our Doubles




Every participant of ISP will be teamed up with a Double from TUDO, and can grasp a deeper understanding towards German culture and student life through these friends.


欢迎会及烧烤 Orientation & Welcome BBQ




A brief introduction on the exchange program and life in German;
A guided campus tour and a welcome BBQ;



                                                 (Typical German beer games)





                                                          (体验 Beer Games)


多特蒙德城市参观与酒吧体验 Dortmund City Tour & Bar Visting




The tour leads to several important train stations in the Dortmund city, and ends at a typical German bar. Without large noises (maybe it is simply because the World Cup has yet to start), German bars are just like ordinary small restaurants.


霍赫绥堡远足 Hiking to Hohensyburg




The hiking takes approximately five hours in total and requires lots of walking as well as climbing. Fresh air and pleasing scenery views. However as the hike is extremely tiring, it is essential to evaluate your body condition before deciding whether to go or not.


