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Activity Review | Not knowing what to do after graduation? Seniors may give some directions --- Shaw College Graduation Sharing Session

  • 2019.3.22
  • News
At 7 pm on Friday night, 22nd March, 2019, both teachers and students of Shaw College met together at Room F302 to listen attentively to Shaw College 2018 graduates sharing their experiences relating to seeking further education and employment.

On Friday night of 22nd March 2019, both teachers and students of Shaw College met together at Room F302 to listen attentively to Shaw College 2018 graduates sharing their experiences relating to seeking further education and employment.



Before the sharing session started, Master of Shaw College, Prof. Janny Leung warmly welcomed the attended teachers and students, and especially thanked the five “Shaw College seniors” coming from Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and the United States who were willing to share their experiences.



The first to go on stage to share was a currently postgraduate student majoring in MSc Marketing at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Fang Xinru. She first shared about how to tidily respond to deadlines that come one after another, for example by arranging a good TO DO LIST for the following period of time on a computer’s calendar. In the TO DO LIST, she used different colors of highlighters to mark out the priorities.




Fang Xinru also talked about how to choose between the two options: applying to graduate school or to get a job. She acknowledged frankly that she was previously at a loss as well when she was in her third year. During the time when not knowing either to attend graduate school to pursue her studies or to get a job, she made a piece of Career Plan based on her own preference (what she was fond of) and her own advantages; thereby giving a more clear-cut life plan. At last, she shared her daily life experiences during her study in graduate school, such as the brief introduction to the course content she took as well as way of cultivating hobbies.


The second sharing session guest is a current postgraduate student at The University of Chicago, majoring in social sciences, Liu Qiao. She first briefly introduced how to plan one’s own career and life track. Soon after, she shared some of her life experiences in greater detail, such as choosing which courses and academic program based on one’s own interests, communicating with professors, teachers and students, and much more. Liu Qiao also shared her experience on applying to the graduate school. She put emphasis on the importance of recommendation letters from professors.



The next was Zhang Peiwen, also a postgraduate student at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She also shared about applying for the graduate school and her campus life experiences. Apart from this, she patiently introduced the research direction and career prospect of her research specialty, big data, that she studied now.



During the tea break, mousse cake, fresh fruits, and beverages spread over the table. While enjoying the delicious cakes, the students also took the time to have a private talk with the senior schoolmates.



The guests of the second half of the sharing session came from the workplace.


Deng Min, who works at Ping An Group in China, gave a straightforward speech that was quick to catch the attention of the whole audiences. Everyone in the room listened attentively to her sharing of her full-time job life. She shared her experience in detail about the time she took the interview for Ping An Group and some tips on getting an internship offer.



Xin Zihao was the last guest to share his experience on this sharing session. His humorous, witty speech and vivid philosophical explanation made the whole audiences laughed heartily. In such a relaxed atmosphere, the students also learned about the concept that Xin Zihao told us, the extramural learning. He emphasized that we were supposed to make full use of the Internet and actively read the social news, especially financial reports, so as to enrich our knowledge.



During the Q&A session, the guests patiently answered the questions about finance and risk control from the students.



At the end of the sharing session, Master of Shaw College Prof. Janny Leung gave each of the guest speakers a souvenir from Shaw College.



Finally, Master of Shaw College, the students, teachers, and the guests, all together took a photo to mark the occasion.