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The School of Humanities and Social science successfully held the Foreign Language High School Principal’s Forum

  • 2019.12.4
  • News
On Nov.24, the Foreign Language High School Principal’s Forum was held successfully by the School of Humanities and Social science in CUHK(SZ). The topic of the forum was ‘the need of language professionals in Shenzhen as an exemplary city’.

      Principals and teachers came from Taiyuan Foreign Language School, Wuhan Foreign Languages School, Changchun Foreign Languages School, English School Attached to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Jinan Foreign Language School, Xiamen Foreign Language School, Hangzhou Foreign Languages School. Chengdu Foreign Languages School, Nanjing Foreign Language School, Chongqing Foreign Languages School, Nanchang Foreign Language School attended the meeting.

      After the welcoming remarks, Vice-Dean of HSS, Professor Wang Lidi introduced the School of Humanities and Social Science and Translation Programme. He introduced the courses provided by HSS including U-core courses, general education and English language studies. He also talked about the academic programmes and experiential learning out of class. Faculty members’ introduction and students’ school life and development were also included in his speech.

Professor WANG Lidi,  Vice-Dean of HSS

      Associate Dean of HSS, Doctor Gong Wengao introduced the English programme. He mainly focused on the features and prospect of the new English major(pending approval).

Doctor GONG Wengao,  Associate Dean of HSS

      The director of admission office, Cao Yujuan introduced the 2020 admission policies on students eligible for special selection.

CAO Yujuan, the director of admission office

      Recommended undergraduates Jiang Su and Luo Miya from HSS shared their experiences in CUHK(SZ). Jiang Su as a freshman showed her appreciation to the international atmosphere on campus. Luo Miya in her sophomore year talked about her participations in public service activities.

Recommended undergraduates Jiang Su

Recommended undergraduates Luo Miya

      During the questions and answers time, principals and teachers from foreign language high schools had discussions about HSS, CUHK(SZ). They made several suggestions to our course setting and admission policies, showing great interest to our school. The forum was a good opportunity for different foreign language high schools to know our school, especially our translation and English(pending approval) study programmes. Through foreign language education, HSS, CUHK(SZ) together with foreign language high schools will cultivate more competitive talents with global visions.