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Vice President of Korea University and Delegation Visited CUHK(SZ)

  • 2017.06.17
  • News
Vice President (International Affairs) of Korea University (KU), Prof. Sunhyuk KIM, and two delegates from KU’s International Affairs Office visited CUHK(SZ) on 12th June 2017. The visitors met with Prof. Seade Jesús, the Associate Vice President (Global Affairs) of CUHK(SZ) and other representatives from Office of Academic Links.

Vice President (International Affairs) of Korea University (KU), Prof. Sunhyuk KIM, and two delegates from KU’s International Affairs Office visited CUHK(SZ) on 12th June 2017. The visitors met with Prof. Seade Jesús, the Associate Vice President (Global Affairs) of CUHK(SZ) and other representatives from Office of Academic Links.

                                 Vice President (International Affairs) of Korea University (KU), Prof. Sunhyuk KIM met with Prof. Seade Jesús, the Associate Vice President (Global Affairs) of CUHK(SZ)

                                                                                    Group photo

The aim of this visit is for KU and CUHK(SZ) to get a better understanding of each other, and explore possible collaboration and cooperation in various areas, including Summer Exchange Program, Tripartite Student Exchange Program, and some other long-term programs. Furthermore, KU is planning a Senior Staff meeting with CUHK(SZ) by the end of this year.


Korea University is a private research university  in Seoul, South Korea. Established in 1905, it is one of the nation's oldest and most prominent institutions of higher education. It is considered one of SKY universities (Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei University), known for being one of the best universities in the country. The student body consists of over 20,000 undergraduate  students and over 10,000 graduate students. The university’s academic breadth is broad with its 81 departments in 19 colleges and divisions, and 18 graduate schools. It has over 1,500 full-time faculty members with over 95% of them holding Ph.D. or equivalent qualification in their field. The KU Alumni Association consists of more than 280,000 university graduates.