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Muse College’s First Night Talk in Fall Semester, 2017-2018

  • Zhuowen Li
  • 2017.09.21
  • News
With the approach of Autumnal Equinox, the 16th solar term, Muse College’s newcomers have dwelled in Muse College for nearly a month. Within these days, through communication with friends, teachers, and property administrators, provided by adequate public service, recruits felt as a part of the family. Yet they wanted to weigh in on the administration and future planning of Muse College. Also, they got loads of questions to ask about university life. To respond to their needs, Muse College’s first night talk in fall semester, 2017-2018 inaugurated.


The arrival of October reminded students of their one-month dwelling in Muse College. Sophomores have adapted to the routine, shuttling between Upper and Lower Campus. Wide-eyed greenhorns have grown familiar with university life. All are thriving, including Muse College.


The debut night talk in this semester featured another milestone in Muse College’s growth.

The adorned venue was ready for students’ arrival.



Students entered in sequence.


  They received file folders and writing paper as souvenirs from Muse College exclusively at the check-in.


What was more, to their amazement, wrapped with the paper bag with Chinese characters meaning “Muse College” in print, snacks were placed in every seat for them.


All were seated. The night talk officially began at 7 P.M.

ZHANG Jifang, a freshman of 2017 from School of Management and Economics (SME), and SUN Kaixi, a sophomore from School of Science and Engineering (SSE) acted as emcees.


Part 1: Remarks from Masters and Wardens 


Mr. Master, together with three Wardens, shared their university histories, and illuminated their understanding of college life respectively.

Prof. BAO Zhiming, Master of Muse College

Prof. Stella Lai-man So, Associate Master of Muse College

Mr. George GUO, Warden of Building A

Prof. SUN Zhenglong, Warden of Building B

Ms. Lois PANG, Warden of Building C


Part 2: Muse Resident Student Association (MRSA) Promotion


At the change of leadership of MRSA, Muse College invited MRSA’s first President and Vice Presidents to provide an overview of MRSA and their thoughts to improve students’ understanding about the association.

ZHU Jianqi, Vice President of MRSA

LIU Xingchen, Vice President of MRSA

CAO Chang, President of MRSA


They introduced MRSA’s responsibilities, mode of election, and diverse activities organized by MRSA in the past year. MRSA continued the tradition of CUHK, enhanced solidarity, and created a sense of belonging. As CAO Chang put it, life is full of challenges, but the thing is to face them and never lose heart. Thanks to the leaders’ devotion, they helped to build a better Muse College.


Part 3: Q & A Time


Students were longing to make comments and raise questions.


As part of the family, students engaged in raising questions about sanitation maintenance, administration, further information about MRSA’s recruitment, and the opening of Muse College’s cafeteria. Mr. George GUO covered the questions above, and replied in detail. Hopefully, questions raised by students would be solved so as to make Muse College a more comfortable home to live at.


Part 4: Group Photo Taking



After participants took photos to mark the occasion, the first night talk drew to an end. By this, students developed a more comprehensive understanding of life in Muse College. While dwelling in this cozy nest with the company of each other, students will develop to be good stewards of the college as time goes by.



Muse, always with you.