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The 2nd Muse Resident Student Association (MRSA) Election Comes to a Successful Conclusion

  • Zhuowen Li
  • 2017.10.27
  • News
Inherited from the tradition of CUHK, Resident Student Association aims to serve the students and organise diverse extracurricular activities to spice up their lives. In 2016, the team “INTERESTING” won the first MRSA election. They organised birthday parties, “BBLand” Online Forums and various on-line and off-line activities during the first term of administration. In 2017, three teams, known as “Amuse”, “Muse for You” and “Muse Mix Party” respectively, participated in the second election. To show their competence and enthusiasm, three campaign teams held activities separately so as to enable students to develop deeper understandings about them.

Candidates formed teams in the middle of September and prepared for more than a month. On October 17th, three teams gave presentations to students from Muse College.


Team A: “Muse for You”


Like other students, our team members are from different parts of the world, including Indonesia and South Korea. Away from familiar people and things, we were bewildered and even at loss when living in the college with nearly 800 students. The home is thousands of miles away, but Muse College is near at hand. We aspire to tailor Muse to students’ needs and to make Muse College more than a dwelling place.

Despite under pressure of being the first team to present, “Muse for You” gave a remarkable performance in introduction and Q&A session. The remark made by the team member Justina Sulystio, a girl from Indonesia, together with concise illustration of the team president, HE Hanwen offered students with accurate information at one go. They demonstrated that MRSA’s function was to liven up the life in Muse College. Based on that idea, they came up with numerous conceptions to help student lead a fruitful life outside the classroom. For example, the team proposed holding Culture Night in order to extend students’ understandings about diverse culture; they planned to hold both educational and entertaining Muse Hunting and Treasure Hunting activities; they would also arrange Night Talk in various forms. In addition, “Muse for You” would act as a bridge between students and the college. In addition, the team would help students put their ideas into practice. Therefore, the team would gather students’ thoughts covering all aspects, including suggestions on college development and activities. Then, they would address problems on time.


Team B: “Amuse”


We are the emerging forces in the campaign; as your close companion, we share your sorrow and happiness; we are eager to try. Our talent glitters like the gold ribbon headband of the Muses. Instead of being narcissi growing by the spring of Mount Helicon, we are daffodils by your side sending forth delicate fragrance.

As the team put it, “Teams are supposed to serve all the students”, they demonstrated their ideas by actions. They also implemented the plan in detail, including daily problems and recreational activities. In the perspective of daily problems, they collected students’ ideas and offered solutions. As for recreations, they planned series of activities. They also obtained concession prices of Coco Park Shopping Mall, Vanke Plaza and other department stores for college students exclusively.


Team C: “Muse Mix Party”


As members of Muse Mix Party, we are from all parts of the world. In terms of nationalities, the team includes Chinese students and international students; as for the nature of the subjects, the team consists of arts students and science students; when it comes to majors, the team embraces students of HSS, SME, and SSE. Our team is a microcosm of CUHK(SZ) and Muse College. We are full of diversity, vigor, and freshness. We have all kinds of talents and characters, but we gather together to write a shared story. We aspire to unite the talents of the college and friends from all corners of the world. Our team shows a great inclusivity of humanities, science spirits and cultures.

“Muse Mix Party” strived to create benefits for students. The team showed great creativity on activity planning. ZHENG Li, vice president of the team, said: “We may not be the best, but our decisions are all based on surveys.” When asked about the expectation of the electoral outcome, team members said: “We can’t say we don’t care about the outcome at all, but we don’t regard the result as the only criterion of the triumph. We have the right mindset, and it is the trying part that really matters. The power of unity is the best fortune. Instead of comparing with others, we do what we can to help create Muse College a better place.”

Later in Q&A session, students raised questions about each team’s working plans and agendas. Responses made by three representatives helped chart a way of the college’s future development.


Then, organised by SUN Zhenglong, Warden of Block B, Muse College, the voting part officially began.


 One-month preparation work of each team, three activities, and one-hour presentation enabled students to develop comprehensive understandings about campaign teams. Based on their performances and blue prints, students made their own choices. After 24-hour voting and 72-hour result disclosure, “Amuse” was elected as the second MRSA with 175 votes. It opened a new chapter of students’ lives in Muse College. Amuse was expected to bring students more fruitful lives in Muse College.  

Despite there was one outcome, each team strived for the goals and made impressive work. The efforts of electoral teams set precedents for other students to engage in the college’s activities. We long to see more members participate in college activities in the future!

Team “Muse for You”

Team “Amuse”


Team “Muse Mix Party”



Muse, always with you.