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Activity Review | Shaw College Wine Tasting Class

  • 2018.10.26
  • News
On October 17th and 24th, Shaw College organized a wine tasting class and attracted fervent concern. Nearly 200 Shaw students, more than 20 staff from different departments, as well as 26 teachers and students from Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School who were just exactly visiting the university, attended the Shaw College Wine Tasting Class.

Let us close the eyes for a minute, and imagine that mellow liquid is slipping over the tip of the tongue. It moisturizes through the throat, slides downwards and warmly floats in the abdomen. It lingers after snorting, and silently dives into the blood… It is wine, unforgettable wine. With sweet bouquet, wine could readily become a part of our body.



At four o’clock in the afternoon, the Shaw College Wine Tasting Class began. Unlike most ordinary wine tastings, the class “Tasting Wine—The Art of Food & Wine Pairing” offered by Merak Chan was not only closer to life, but also impressed the attendances deeply owing to Chan’s young humorous interpretation style.



Lecturer: Merak Chan, who has a WSET4 certificate


Part 1. The Elucidation of Food and Wine Pairing

In the past, people prefer food and wine pairings with high calorie and high sugar. With the improvement of life quality, nowadays, people tend to choose a food and wine pairing with the combination of health and deliciousness. Pairing ways become more diverse.


“Red wine is better served with red meat, while white wine is better served with white meat” is a sort of stereotype. According to Merak, however, raw oysters are not the only pairing way of Chablis white wine; red wine can also be savory owing to oysters’ salty flavor. In addition, she offered multiple pairing ways that broke our stereotypes.



Part 2. Tasting Practice

Wine tasting has a trilogy: step one, observe the color; step two, smell the bouquet; step three, taste it. With the preliminary understanding of food and wine pairing, we began our wine tasting practice. Despite the conditions were limited, Merak wittily used sea sedge to simulate the salty taste of raw oysters, and used potato chips to simulate the taste of fried steak. In this case, all the participants tasted white wine with sea sedge, and tried two types of red wine with original-flavor potato chips and black pepper-flavored potato chips respectively.




Every attendee was rather cautious when tasted the wine. They sipped the wine accompanied by a piece of sea sedge or potato chip. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful experience combining the taste of bouquet and the food.



Two hours flew by, and the class came to an end. After taking a group photo, many students were still reluctant to leave and stayed with the lecturer discussing the wine knowledge.





#Wonderful Shaw College Wine Tasting Class#

A tasting class which replaced raw oysters by sea sedges and replace steaks by potato chips was really funny.

The lecturer was a super pretty girl with package hip skirt and pointy stiletto heels, she walked as if dancing.

By pretending to have interest in food and wine pairing from the perspective of AI & big data, I successfully got her WeChat account.